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Title: Identifikasi Struktur Anatomi Daun Angsana dan Beringin Akibat Pengaruh Gas dan Materi Vulkanik Pasca Erupsi Gunung Merapi
Authors: Rushayati,Siti Badriyah
Desyanti, Choirunnisa Wihda
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
anatomical structure
burmese rosewood
volcanic material
volcanic gas
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: Mount Merapi eruption occurred on Tuesday October 26, 2010. The eruption discharged various types of gases and materials consisted of sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and dust particles (Total Suspended Particulates or Particulate Matter). Air pollutant particularly Merapi, gas and volcanic material can cause damage to the anatomical structure of plants around them (Wilson et al. 2007). Therefore research on the influence of gas and volcanic material on anatomical structure of urban plants in Yogyakarta city is nedeed. The aim of the research was to identify the influence of gas and volcanic material on leafs anatomical structure in two species of urban plants, namely Burmese rosewood and Banyan. This research was expected to provide consideration as input in the selection of urban vegetation to improve environmental conditions after the eruption of the Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta city. The research was carried out in Yogyakarta as a relatively polluted area, and Solo as the location of less polluted area or control, and microscopic leaf anatomical preparations were carried out in the Laboratory of Plant Anatomy, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University. The research was conducted from June until August 2011. Types of data and information collected in this study consists of primary and secondary data. Primary data was taken from the results of observation on the leaf anatomical paradermal and transversal section each leaf in two cities. Secondary data on air quality data was obtained from The Environmental Bureau of each city. Data were analysed using t-student test to test the difference between plants in the relatively polluted area with the less polluted area. Observation results of leaf anatomical paradermal and transversal section of Burmese rosewood were undamaged, but which showed influence by gas and volcanic material were the decline of density and index stomata, the raise length stomatal, and the thicken of palisade tissues. Observation result of leaf anatomical paradermal and transversal section of Banyan were also undamagade and all the parameters were not significant statistically. The research had showed that Burmese rosewood and Banyan could cope up with pollutants from Mount Merapi eruption. Therefore, both species were appropriate to be planted in the Yogyakarta city.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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