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Title: Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung pada Beberapa Cluster Perumahan di Sentul City, Bogor Jawa Barat
Authors: Mardiastuti, Ani
Mulyani, Yeni Aryati
Asmoro, Aditya Wahyu Tri
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Sentul City
Species diversity
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: Sentul City held the eco-city concept and has a unique landscape with a variety of topography. This area has a variety of vegetation structure and composition which are distributed in several residential clusters. One of the biodiversity that can be found in this area is bird. Variety of habitat types will influence the bird diversity in each area (Blendinger and Ricardo 2001). The objective of this research were (1) to describe the habitat of birds, (2) to examine bird diversity, (3) to compare the bird composition among cluster types, (4) to examine vertical and horizontal distributions of birds in several vegetation and tree architecture, (5) to examine the influence of tree architecture on tree utilization by bird. The research was conducted in Sentul City from June to September 2011, in the area of research are five residential cluster which are selected by the age of cluster and composition of vegetation, and one location is a boulevard. The habitat condition and vegetation (dominant vegetation, tree height, type of tree architecture, vertical and architecture utilized side) are described with qualitative data and collected by direct survey. Bird data is collected by MacKinnon species list method (MacKinnon et al. 1998) with 10 species of birds each list. Bird diversity analyzed by using species area curve, meet frequence and index of similarity. Utilization of vegetation using descriptive analysis. A total of 42 species of bird from 24 families were recorded in this research. There were 6 species cannot find and 25 new species recorded compare by the result of AMDAL Bukit Sentul at 2000. The highest bird diversity found in Northridge cluster with 33 species of bird and the lowest bird diversity found in Venesia-Pasadena-Sakura cluster. Based on MacKinnon species list result, showed the leveled out of curve. It showed there was nothing increment of bird species at research location. Some of birds have a high number of meet frequence in one location, but cannot find in other location. It showed there was a low distribution of bird species. The highest similarity index was found between Bali cluster and Venesia-Pasadena-Sakura cluster (IS=0.76). In general, most of bird can be found at 2/3 of tree crown except in Argenia cluster. Midlde branching part of the tree crown are the most utilize part by bird. There are management method that can impelement, (1) provide and defence birds habitat, (2) planting a favourite vegetation for birds, (3) establish protected area for birds, (4) research on bird diversity in other locations, (5) intensively monitoring on bird diversity, (6) Sosialization in the importance of bird diversity, (7) develope an environmental education programs.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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