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Title: Daya adaptasi dan produksi tujuh aksesi nenas lokal Bangka di lahan tailing pasir pasca penambangan timah
Other Titles: Enviagro (Jurnal Pertanian dan Lingkungan) April 2011 Vol. 4 No.1
Authors: Lanoviadi A.
Mustikarini ED.
Widyastuti, Utut
Keywords: Aksesi Pineapple of Bangka
Sandy Tailing
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Jurnal Enviargo
Series/Report no.: Volume 4;Nomor 1
Abstract: The are many critical lands found in Bangka Island due to the mining activities. The pineapple is a potential plant could be cultivated in these critical lands. The purpose of this research is to know the adaptability and production of the seven genotypes of local Bangka pineapple in Sandy Tailing ex tin mining, TB 133 in Sinar Baru Village. The research was conducted by using non factorial completed randomized blok design with three blocks on the size of seedling. The factor is seven genotypes of local Bangka (Australia, Ambon, Bogor, Bukur, Peranak, Bikang, dan Serdang). The result showed that the genotype ofBukur has very high adaptability, for growth ofTaboali Serdang genotype, and for productivity of Peranak Genotype (11,72 ton/ha) in Sandy Tailing ex tin mining.
ISSN: 1978-1644
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

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