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dc.contributor.advisorEsfandiari, Anita
dc.contributor.authorPermatasari, Eva Devari
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research is to find out the potency of zedoary rhizome extract on the total and differentiation of leucocytes of mammary glands tumor rabbit before and after surgey. Twelves females between 6-9 months old rabbit were divided into 4 groups. First group was a control, the second group was induced by n-methyl-n-nitrosourea (MNU), the third group was induced by MNU and treated by operation, and the fourth group was induced by MNU and treated by combination between operation and administration of extract of zedoary rhizome. MNU was given every week for 4 weeks and the next week was the surgery. Extract of zedoary rhizome was given every week after surgery for 5 weeks. The blood collection was done every week for 9 weeks. Blood were observe to count total and differentiation of leucocytes. The result showed that the leucocytes and lymphocytes increased in blood circulatory of group 1,2, and 4. The conclusion is the administration of zedoary rhizome extract can increased the immunity system by increasing of leucocytes and lymphocytes.en
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak rimpang temu putih terhadap gambaran jumlah total dan diferensiasi leukosit pada kelinci tumor kelenjar mammaria sebelum dan sesudah operasi. Dua belas ekor kelinci betina berumur 6-9 bulan dibagi ke dalam 4 kelompok perlakuan, kelompok kontrol, kelompok induksi n-metil-n-nitrosourea (MNU), kelompok induksi MNU + operasi dan kelompok induksi MNU + operasi + ekstrak temu putih. Induksi dilakukan selama 4 minggu dan minggu ke-5 kelinci dioperasi. Ekstrak temu putih diberikan selama 5 minggu sesudah operasi. Darah kelinci diambil setiap minggu selama 9 minggu. Darah diperiksa untuk dihitung jumlah total dan diferensiasi leukosit. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa jumlah total leukosit dan limfosit meningkat di sirkulasi pada kelompok 1,2 dan 4. Dari pengamatan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak temu putih dapat meningkatkan sistem pertahanan tubuh melalui peningkatan jumlah total leukosit dan limfosit. Kata kunci : kelinci, leukosit, zedoaria.en
dc.titleTotal and differentiation of leucocytes before and after mastectomy dan ovariohisterectomy in rabbit induced by tumour and treated by zedoary rhizome extracten
dc.titleGambaran jumlah total dan diferensiasi leukosit sebelum dan sesudah mastektomi dan Ovarihisterektomi pada kelinci yang diinduksi tumor dan diobati temu putih (Curcuma zedoaria (Berg.) Roscoe)
Appears in Collections:UT - Veterinary Clinic Reproduction and Pathology

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