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Title: Histopathology of Liver and Kidney of Chicken Post Piper crocatum Extract Treatment and Challenged by Avian Influenza Virus
Gambaran Histopatologi Organ Hati dan Ginjal Setelah Pemberian Ekstrak Ethanol Sirih Merah dan Diuji Tantang Virus AI H5N1
Authors: Setiyono, Agus
Winarsih, Wiwin
Nugraha, Arifin Budiman
Keywords: Piper crocatum ethanolic extract
Broiler Chicken
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: The objective of this study was to determine the potency of Piper crocatum ethanolic extract (PC) to prevent virus infection, and to describe the liver and kidney histopathology of broiler after challenged by H5N1 virus. There were four group treatments in this study, such as K1 (Positive Control), K2 (Negative Control), P1 (Chickens PC treatment and challenged by H5N1 virus), and P2 (Chicken PC treatment). The histopathological data was processed by Kruskall Wallis statistical analysis followed by Dunn test. Based on mortality data, PC in a single composition capable to reduce mortality up to 62.5%. Histopathological lesion that appeared in liver and kidney were congestion, cell degeneration, and necrose. It can be concluded that PC able to prevent the death of chicken due to infection of H5N1 virus, however remain lesion in the liver and kidney.
Appears in Collections:UT - Veterinary Clinic Reproduction and Pathology

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