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dc.contributor.authorLarasati, Puspa
dc.description.abstractFeeding study of long-tailed macaque (M. fascicularis) was conducted to get information of feed composition that had been consumed for some time at the habitat. The methods to get the information of feed composition were field observations and fecal analysis. The research on fecal analysis by observing the crumbs of feed residue of the fecal anatomically has never been carried out before. Undigested feed residue was used to identify the species of plants which were the source of feed for the long-tailed macaque. This study was aimed to observe the effectiveness of the feed residue by anatomical studies in long-tailed macaque fecal with comparing database of plants around the habitat. The fecal and plant database sampling was conducted from January until July 2012 by tracking one group of long-tailed macaque along Parat Cave at Pangandaran Nature Park. Total plant databases were 76 species, divided into 25 Family. About 58 bottles of fecal were successfully collected during sampling. The composition of fecal was separated into three sections: fruits and seeds, flowers, and epidermis crumbs. Epidermis crumbs could be identified and separated from fruit and leaf epidermis by using anatomical approach. Methods of anatomical studies had effectiveness of identify plant spesies feed residue in fecal around 43.90%. Parts that could not be identified in the long-tailed macaque fecal were allegedly obtained from other than natural feed sources around their habitat.en
dc.description.abstractStudi pakan monyet ekor panjang (M. fascicularis) dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi komposisi pakan yang dikonsumsi pada waktu tertentu di suatu habitat. Metode yang dapat dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi tersebut yaitu dengan pegamatan lapangan dan analisis feses. Penelitian tentang analisis feses dengan mengamati remahan sisa pakan dalam feses secara anatomi belum pernah dilakukan. Sisa pakan yang tidak tercerna digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi spesies tumbuhan sumber pakan monyet ekor panjang. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keefektifan studi anatomi sisa pakan dalam feses monyet ekor panjang dengan pembanding pangkalan data tumbuhan di sekitar habitatnya. Pengambilan sampel feses dan tumbuhan pangkalan data dilakukan pada bulan Januari-Juli 2012 dengan menyusuri satu kelompok monyet Goa Parat di Taman Wisata Alam Pangandaran. Total pangkalan data tumbuhan berjumlah 76 spesies yang terbagi menjadi 25 Famili. Feses yang berhasil dikoleksi berjumlah 58 botol feses. Komposisi feses dipisahkan menjadi tiga bagian yaitu, buah dan biji, bunga, dan remahan epidermis. Remahan epidermis dapat diidentifikasi dan dipisahkan dari epidermis buah dan daun dengan pendekatan anatomi. Metode studi anatomi memiliki keefektifan mengidentifikasi spesies tumbuhan sisa pakan dalam feses sebesar 43.90%. Bagian yang tidak dapat diidentifikasi dalam feses diduga monyet ekor panjang memperoleh sumber pakan selain berasal dari vegetasi alam di sekitar habitatnya.
dc.publisherIPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
dc.subjectMacaca fascicularisen
dc.subjectPangandaran Nature Parken
dc.titleAnatomical Identification of Feed Residue in Fecal of Long-Tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis) at Pangandaran Nature Parken
dc.titleIdentifikasi Anatomi Sisa Pakan dalam Feses Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca fascicularis) di Taman Wisata Alam Pangandaran
Appears in Collections:UT - Biology

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