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Title: Pelapisan Manggis Segar (Garcinia mangostana L.) dengan Lilin Lebah, Hormon Giberelin, dan Benomil
Authors: Yuliasih,Indah
Setyabudi,Dondy A
Nurhayati, Ai
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: Mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana L) is one of fruit which has high economic value. The constraint of Mangosteen selling is wilt speed of fruit calyx, that could be assumed as decrease of quality by consumer thinking. Because of that condition, selling activity also decreased. One of way of to lengthen the fruit shelf-life is coating. Coating has known as a protecting substance of food, reduce the transpiration of product, and protect products from microbial contamination. So, the constrain which faced aspecially for seller and exporter for maintain mangosteen quality and freshness can be solved. The purpose of this research are knowing maturity degree of mangosteene which use as a raw material for next research that is knowing organoleptyc and physical effects of coating consentrations during storage. This research consists of two phases. Phase I decide of maturitie’s degree (2 , 3, and 4) and temperature’s storage (room and cool). Phase II decide consentration of coating agent. Types of concentration agent are consisted two levels of beeswax (4 and 6%), three levels of giberelic acid (5, 10, and 15 ppm), and two levels of benomyl (500 and 1000 ppm). The parameters were observed during storage involve physical parameter (visual sheath, weight reduce, husk hardness, and husk colour) and organoleptyc test (kernel and fruit husk colour, ratch vision, taste, and flavour). Based on regretion analysis result visual sheath and weight reduce, the third maturity degree has slope value (2,443 and 0,008). that result have smaller vvalue than others. Result of that maturitie’s organoleptyc test was accepted by consumer in cool storage temperature until 12 days. While room storage until 9 days. The 6% concentration of beeswax coating has smaller slope value at parameters sheath, reduce weight, and hardness husk than others (2,109; 0,007; 0,017). Not only that parameters but also organoleptyc test knowed that consentration had higher accepted consumer than others. The 10 ppm concentration of giberelic acid coating has smaller slope value at parameters sheath, reduce weight, and hardness husk than others (2,453; 0,001; 1,579). According organoleptyc test knowed that consentration had higher accepted consumer than others. The 1000 ppm concentration of benomyl coating has smaller slope value at parameters sheath, reduce weight, and hardness husk than others (2,237; 0,009; 0,179). Not only that parameters but also organoleptyc test knowed that consentration had higher accepted consumer than others.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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