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Title: Bird Species Richness in Aquatic Habitats as a Potential Birdwatching Tourism in Tambling Wildlife Nature Conservation, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Lampung Province
Kekayaan Jenis Burung pada Habitat Perairan sebagai Potensi Wisata Birdwatching di Tambling Wildlife Nature Conservation, Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan Provinsi Lampung.
Authors: Mardiastuti, Ani
Mulyani, Yeni Aryati
Dewi, Lina Kristina
Keywords: birdwatching
aquatic habitats
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: Tambling Wildlife Nature Conservation (TWNC) is a conservation area located in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (TNBBS). The management of this area is conducted by PT. Adhiniaga Kreasinusa through the Minister of Forestry Decree No.415/Kpts-II/1992 using IPPA (The Consension of Nature Tourism Bussiness) . Tourism activity that has been already run in this area is night safari. To maximize the visitation to this area, other tourism activities should be provided to give more experiences to visitors and contribute positive impact for conservation. One of alternative tourism is birdwatching. The objectives of this study are to record bird species, count the abundance of bird, describe bird spatial and temporal distribution, and give recommendations for birdwatching tourism. Habitats in TWNC consisted of coastal forest, mangrove forest, lowland forest, and aquatic habitats (lakes, beaches, swamps, estuaries and coral reefs). The study was conducted in the aquatic habitats of TWNC (lakes, beaches, estuaries). Preliminary survey was conducted in October 2008 and the research was conducted in August-September 2009. Data was collected by using concentration count methods, survey methods and the “look and see” methods. Data analysis was done by counting bird species richness, abundance, and distribution at each study site. Bird species distribution was analyzed based on the place (spatial distribution) and time of daily activity (temporal distribution). There were 83 bird species found in TWNC. The highest abundance was sea Imperial-pigeon (Ducula bicolor). The species that were commonly found in every locations included Copsychus saularis, Egretta sacra, Charadrius dubius, Tringa hypoleucos, and Todirhamphus chloris. Species that was found in only certain locations were Burhinus giganteus, Egretta garzetta, and Eudynamys scolopacea. Most bird activities occurred between 06.00-10.00 a.m. and 03.00 – 06.00 p.m. The potential species for Birdwatching are Burhinus giganteus, Leptoptilos javanicus, Phaenicophaeus spp., Haliaeetus leucogaster, Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus, Anthracoceros albitrosis, Ardea sumatrana, Pelargopsis capensis, and Egretta sacra. The recommended locations for Birdwatching are Saung Bajau, Sei Leman, Way Tinggal, and Menjukut. The birdwatching activity will be better if done during 06.00-10.00 am (morning) and between 03.00-06.00 pm. The results of this study is expected to be a baseline data for managers to prepare packages of special interest toursim, that is birdwatching, in TWNC area, and conduct birds monitoring in aquatic habitats. In addition, the manager is expected to provide infrastructure and facilities for birdwatching activities such as birds observation equipment, interpretation boards, leaflets and guide person.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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