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Title: Replacement of Fat Diet from Coconut Meal with Different Oil Sources on Performance of Female Javanese Thin-Tailed Sheep
Penggantian Lemak Ransum yang Berasal dari Bungkil Kelapa dengan Sumber Minyak Berbeda terhadap Penampilan Produksi Calon Induk Domba Ekor Tipis
Authors: Satoto, Kukuh Budi
Rahayu, Sri
Nopita, Indri
Keywords: corn oil
fish oil
fish oil protected
Javanese Thin-Tailed Sheep
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
Abstract: The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect Replacement of Fat from Coconut Meal with Different Oil Sources on Performance of Female Javanese Thin- Tailed Sheep. Twelve Javanese Thin-Tailed sheep aged about 3-4 months, weighed 9.32±2.28 kg were used and divided into three groups consisted of four animals each group. The sheep were allocated in a Randomizad Block Design. The treatment diets were, M0 = control diet (no oil); MJ = diet containing 1.5% corn oil; MIL = diet containing 1.5% fish oil and MILT = diet containing 1.5% fish oil protected. The ration was offered at 3%-4% of body weight while the water was offered ad libitum. Feed intake, average daily weight gain, feed efficiency ratio and Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC) were measured. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and any significant differences were further tested using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The results showed that the treatments did not significantly affect (P>0.05) intake of dry matter, protein, crud fiber, total digestible nutrient, daily weight gain, and feed efficiency ratio. The treatment significantly affected (P<0.01) ether extract intake. It can be inferred that all treatments diet containing oil have no difference on parameters observed, but significantly increase ether extract intake.
Bungkil kelapa merupakan limbah dari proses pembuatan minyak kelapa yang dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan ternak sumber protein dengan kandungan protein kasarnya sebesar 22,75% (Moorthy dan Viswanathan, 2009). Akan tetapi, bungkil kelapa banyak mengandung asam lemak jenuh dengan persentase asam lemak tertinggi adalah 46,9% asam laurat (Santoso et al., 2006). Penggunaan asam lemak jenuh yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan produk ternak (daging) tinggi kolesterol (Muttakin, 2006) dan jika dibandingkan dengan asam lemak tak jenuh, asam lemak jenuh kurang dapat meningkatkan kualitas reproduksi ternak betina (Thomas, 1997). Asam lemak tak jenuh rantai panjang (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid, PUFA) seperti asam lemak arakhidionat dan Decosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) merupakan asam lemak esensial untuk perkembangan organ reproduksi (Huang dan Craig-Schmidt, 1996). Penambahan minyak dapat meningkatkan kandungan lemak, dimana dapat tersedianya kandungan asam lemak esensial dalam ransum. Lemak merupakan salah satu bahan konsentrat yang padat energi. Kearl (1982) menyebutkan ransum yang mengandung energi hingga 68,1% dapat meningkatkan konsumsi bahan kering pada domba. Minyak jagung dan minyak ikan lemuru merupakan sumber energi dan asam lemak esensial. Kedua jenis minyak tersebut merupakan bahan-bahan yang mengandung lemak terutama asam lemak tak jenuh yang cukup tinggi. Asam-asam lemak ini sangat penting untuk sistem kekebalan, pertumbuhan, perkembangan fungsi reproduksi dan kesehatan (Judith et al., 2006; Pal et al., 1999).
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science and Feed Technology

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