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Title: Correlate Between Leadership Style With The Effectiveness of Communication within Organization (Case Student Organization BEM KM IPB Period 2009-2010)
Hubungan Gaya Kepemimpinan dengan Efektivitas Komunikasi Organisasi (Kasus Organisasi Kemahasiswaan BEM KM IPB Periode 2009-2010)
Authors: Riyanto, Sutisna
Keywords: communication
effectiveness communication
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: Leadership style and the effectiveness of communication within organization which build in student organization will determine attainment aims organization. BEM KM IPB (Badan Eksekutif Kemahasiswaan Keluarga Mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor) is a formal student organization in level university education. The purpose of this research was to identification the leadership style, to describe the process of communication, to know the effectiveness of communication, and to measure the correlate between leadership style and communication’s process with the effectiveness of communication in BEM KM IPB. The number of respondents in this research were 76 people, with 21 people in levels an ministry and 55 people in levels staff. In general, the leadership style in BEM KM IPB is participative. Although, the members still needs initiative from leader. Communication process in BEM KM IPB enough active based on the direction, media, and the subject of communication. Communication within organization was effective, because the five commponent of effectiveness communication was effective. Leadership style and communication process proven correlate with the effectiveness of communication, and based on media, communication directive, and matter of communication proven corelate with effectiveness of communication.
Appears in Collections:UT - Communication and Community Development

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