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Title: Marginalisasi perempuan dalam sistem kerja pemetik teh di perkebunan (Studi kasus pemetik teh di PT. Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) VIII Gunung Mas, Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bogor, Propinsi Jawa Barat)
Women marginalization in tea picker work system in plantation (Case studies of tea pickers in PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (PTPN VIII) Gunung Mas, District of Cisarua, Bogor Sub District, West Java)
Authors: Wahyuni, Ekawati S.
Islami, Prima Yustitia Nurul
Keywords: Marginalisasi
Tea Pluckers
Wage Dynamic
Women Status
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: Women play an important role in tea plantation work system as tea plucker, albeit the long hour work and low wage. Women tea pluckers are also the major contributor to the household income, although it is not contributive to their status in the household. The marginalization process of women as tea plucker in the plantation work system and in the household is interesting to be investigated futher. This study objectives are to analyze the gender relation in tea plantation work system, to analyze the wage dynamic of tea plucker, and to analyze the woman tea plucker status in the household. This study is conducted in qualitative approach involving 57 respondents and six key informants as source of primary data. The research found that there are differences in access and control between men and women in the tea plantation work system resulting in gender-based wage differences. Although the total wage received by tea plucker is increasing from time to time but it is not as fast as the increasing prices of goods for everyday living therefore there is no significant effect to their quality of life. The major contribution of women to the household income does not affected their low social status in the household. All processess that happened for generations has marginalize women in their work and household as well.
Appears in Collections:UT - Communication and Community Development

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BAB IV Gambaran Umum Daerah Penelitian.pdf
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