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Title: Effectiveness of Zeolite and Garlic Utilization to Prevent The Chemical Damage at Corn and Rice Bran During Storage Process
Efektivitas Penggunaan Zeolit dan Bawang Putih sebagai Penghambat Kerusakan Kimia pada Jagung dan Dedak Padi selama Proses Penyimpanan.
Authors: Laconi, Erika Budiarti
Lubis, Ahmad Darobin
Dwiastuti, Theresa
Keywords: garlic
water activity
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Corn and rice bran are the main feedstuff on feed industry but the supply still fluctuative on value and price, mainly caused by the season. Cause of that reason, many livestock industry storage corn and rice brand to maintain continuity of the production process. The aim of this experiment was to study the effectiveness of zeolite and garlic as a chemical damage prevention on corn and rice bran during the storage. This experiment used a completely randomized design, with the factorial model (4 x 5) and 3 replication, respectively. The treatments were P0 (Corn or Rice Bran), P1 (P0 + 1% of Zeolite), P2 (P0 + 1% of Garlic) P3 (P0 + 0.15% of commercial anti mold). The experiment was conducted for 8 weeks. Variable observed are moisture, water activity, organic matter, and rancidity. The data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and differences among treatments were examined by Duncan’s new multiple range test. The results showed that the addition of zeolite and garlic on corn significantly (P<0,05) prevent the increasing of water activity. Whereas on rice bran the addition significantly (P<0,05) prevent the increasing of moisture. Corn and rice bran organic matter not showed significant decreasing. The rancidity cannot be blockaged by the addition of zeolite and garlic. In conclusion the addition of 1% zeolite and 1% garlic can prevent some chemical damage factor, such as moisture, water activity and organic matter. This function comparable to commercial anti mold.
Jagung dan dedak padi merupakan bahan pakan yang sering digunakan dalam industri pakan, terutama industri pakan unggas. Namun suplai dari kedua bahan tersebut masih tergolong fluktuatif dalam segi kuantitas dan kontinuitas terutama disebabkan oleh musim. Untuk mencegah kelangkaan bahan baku pada musim tertentu, industri pakan menyimpan bahan baku dalam jumlah besar agar proses produksi dapat terus berjalan untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumen. Penyimpanan bertujuan untuk menjaga dan mempertahankan mutu dari komoditi yang disimpan dengan cara menghindari, mengurangi atau menghilangkan berbagai faktor yang dapat menurunkan kualitas dan kuantitas.
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science and Feed Technology

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