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Title: Pengelolaan Perkebunan Sagu (Metroxylon Sago Rottb.) Di PT. National Sago Prima, Selat Panjang, Riau Dengan Aspek Khusus Pengambilan Sampel Pelepah
Authors: Lubis, Iskandar
Djoefrie, H.M.H. Bintoro
Yudistira, Galvan
Keywords: Metroxylon sagu Rottb
PT. National Sago Prima
nutrient analysis
sago palm
trunk formation
sample analysis
soil analysis
leaf sample
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
Abstract: The objective of this study was investigated representative leaf sampling for predicting the sago nutritional status. Investigation used regression method that comparing three frond that have bigest regresion. The regresion is relationship between leaflet length and nutrient level of each leaflet. The soil nutrient analyisis was conducted to support best desicion for sampling recomendation. This experiment held in PT. National Sago Prima, Selat Panjang, Riau from February to June 2011. The primary data, was collected from sago palm leaflet, and nutrient assesment in laboratory. The socondary data were found by interview and discussion with the company staffs and literature study in order to get more informations. Observation was replicated three times (Blok H29, N25 and H31). Each replication containing 20 sago palm tree. In each replication measured two parameters : phase and plant quality. The plant quality measure by number of frond in each main sago plant. The phase divide in two categories: after trunk formation (SP) and before trunk formtion (BP). Sago palm that have frond more than or equal seven , marking as 1 and sago plam that have frond less equal than seven mark as 0. The result showed that frond 9 to be sampled at after trunk formation phase and frond 3 suggest to be sampled at before trunk formation phase.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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