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Title: Nutritional Ingredients and Lactoferrin Concentration in Dairy Goat Milk From Etawah Grades and Jawarandu Breed
Kandungan Nutrisi dan Kadar Laktoferin dalam Susu Kambing Perah Bangsa Peranakan Etawah (PE) dan Jawarandu.
Authors: Maheswari, Rarah Ratih Adjie
Sumantri, Cece
Hertaviani, Ratu Fika
Keywords: lactoferrin
milk goat
breed goat
the nutritional ingredients of goat's milk
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Goat's milk is one of source protein original from animal, beside dairy cows that need to be develop. Goat's milk is also believed to have various functions for therapeutic that need scientifically proven. Milk has a high biological value of nutritional that easily digested and absorbed by the body. Therapeutic function from goat's milk can be shown by the presence of active components such as lactoferrin, which is one of the whey proteins that work as an anti-diarrhea. Lactoferrin is an iron bond glycoprotein found in milk, saliva and other exocrine secretions such as in neutrophil granules. Presence of lactoferrin in the local goat's milk is important to be studied as a support for a recommendation to government to develop the dairy goat in Indonesia. The aim of this research was to determined the nutritional composition and concentration of lactoferrin from the Etawah Grades and Jawarandu breed. Experimental design used is Completed Random Design (RAL) factorial pattern (2×3) with three replications. The treatment are different breed (Etawah Grades and Jawarandu) and different milking day. The results showed that the average content of dry matter Etawah Grades and Jawarandu’s milk are 15,56±2,81%-17,76±1,84% and 16,86±1,36%-27,49±2,27%; SNF 9,59±1,12%-10,01±0,73% and 10,26±0,45%-12,59±0,26%; fat levels 5,97±1,76%-7,75±2,05% and 6,60±1,08%-14,83±2,56%; protein content 4,53±0,63%; density 1,032±0,003 Kg/m3 and pH value 6,66±0,09%, respectively. Differences on the milking days and breed of goats decreased significantly (P<0,05) on the nutritional ingredients of goat’s milk which were the fat, the dry matter and solid non fat (SNF). Lactoferrin concentration of goat milk on Etawah Grades and Jawarandu were 32,66-48,98 mg/l and 25,57-112,53 mg/l. The results showed the importance of first milk for protect neonatal giving to them from bacterial infection, especially toward E. coli.
Kualitas nutrisi susu kambing perah dapat dilihat dari komposisi susu yang dihasilkan. Kualitas susu juga sangat menentukan dalam penerimaan susu oleh konsumen. Kandungan nutrisi susu kambing terdiri atas kadar protein, kadar lemak, kadar bahan kering, berat jenis, nilai pH dan bahan kering tanpa lemak. Kambing perah merupakan jenis kambing yang dapat memproduksi susu dengan jumlah yang melebihi kebutuhan untuk anaknya. Kambing perah lokal yang dipelihara adalah Peranakan Etawah (PE) dan Jawarandu, yang merupakan bangsa kambing perah yang dapat hidup di daerah tropis. Kambing perah memberi sumbangan bagi kesehatan dan gizi penduduk seperti penyediaaan kebutuhan protein hewani yang bernilai biologis tinggi serta mineral esensial dan vitamin asal ternak. Susu kambing, seperti halnya susu sapi, memiliki komponen–komponen susu yang memiliki fungsi sebagai zat antimikroba salah satunya laktoferin. Laktoferin pada susu mampu mengikat ion besi dari mikroba sehingga menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba dan berperan sebagai anti diare. Identifikasi keberadaan substrat antimikroba alami yaitu laktoferin yang terdapat dalam susu kambing perlu dilakukan, karena substrat tersebut sangat besar peranannya secara alami dalam mencegah diare yang sangat beresiko kematian bagi balita maupun anak yang banyak terjadi di Indonesia.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Production Science and Technology

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