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Title: Adsorpsi dan desorpsi kromium (VI) pada zeolit alam asal Lampung termodifikasi Heksadesiltrimetilamonium bromida
Authors: Rohaeti, Eti
Soebrata, Betty Marita
Suprayogi, Dery
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: Zeolite is a mineral that is able to adsorp chromium. Chromium has three stable forms in nature,i.e. metal chromium, trivalent chromium, and hexavalent chromium. Among these forms, hexavalent chromium are the most toxic and generally obtained in its anion form as chromat (CrO4 2-) and dichromat (Cr2O7 2-). Therefore, it is very important to decrease content in environment. The function of negative zeolite structure were cation exchange and their somewhat for anion exchange. Therefore, modified zeolite with hexadeciltrimethylammonium bromide (HDTMABr) was attempted to increase anion adsorption capacity of zeolite in solution. Modified zeolite with HDTMABr at 50% dosage of its cation exchange capacity, caused an increase the adsorption capacity of zeolite to chromium(VI) from 0.74 to 1.40 mg/g. Adsorption was carried out by varying adsorption time, solution acidity, and initial concentration of chromium(VI). The optimum adsorption time, solution acidity, and initial concentration of chromium(VI) for unmodified-zeolite were 20 hours, 3.5, and 350 ppm, respectively. On the other hand, the optimum adsorption for modified-zeolite were 23 hours, 5, and 350 ppm, respectively. Isotherm type for both of adsorbent followed Freundlich isotherm. Desorption of chromium(VI) on unmodifiedzeolite and modified-zeolite a lot off obtained using aquadest at level 30.56 and 0.33%, respectively.
Appears in Collections:UT - Chemistry

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