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Title: The Study of Qualitative Trait Characteristic of Local Sheep in Some Indonesian Regions
Studi Karakteristik Sifat Kualitatif pada Domba Lokal di Beberapa Wilayah Indonesia.
Authors: Jakaria
Sumantri, Cece
Malekha, Nok
Keywords: sheep
qualitative trait characteristic
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Sheep in Indonesia are Javanese thin-tailed sheep, Priangan of West Java sheep and Javanese fat-tailed sheep. Qualitative trait variations are high among local sheep and spread in some Indonesian regions. The objected of this research was to get qualitative traits of local sheep in some Indonesian regions which can be as characteristic of local sheep. The research used secondary data of RUT experiment by was done from 2004 up to 2007 in Ciomas, Cinagara, Margawati (Garut), Indramayu, Madura Island (Pamekasan, Sumenep, Bangkalan and Sampang), Sumbawa Island (NTB), Rote Island (NTT), Donggala (Central Sulawesi), and Kisar Island (Maluku). The number of observation sheep were 768 heads. Qualitative traits which observed were facial lines, positions of pinna, shapes of pinna, horned traits, shapes of tail, shapes of wool, wool colors and color patterns of wool. The experimental design used in this research were ralative frequency (descriptive analysis). Sheep from Ciomas, Cinagara, and Margawati have characteristic as Priangan of West Java sheep and Javanese thin-tailed sheep. Sheep from Indramayu, Sumbawa and Donggala have characteristic as Javanese fat-tailed sheep and Priangan of West Java sheep. Sheep from Madura has characteristic as Javanese fattailed sheep. Sheep from Rote has characteristic as Javanese fat-tailed sheep and Javanese thin-tailed sheep. Sheep from Kisar has characteristic as Javanese thintailed sheep, Priangan of West Java sheep and Javanese fat-tailed sheep
Indonesia memiliki tiga jenis domba lokal, yaitu domba Ekor Tipis (Javanese thin-tailed), domba Priangan (Priangan of West Java) dan domba Ekor Gemuk (Javanese fat-tailed). Variasi sifat kualitatif tinggi diantara domba lokal dan tersebar di beberapa wilayah Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan karakteristik sifat kualitatif domba lokal di beberapa wilayah Indonesia yang dapat dijadikan sebagai ciri spesifik domba lokal.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Production Science and Technology

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