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Title: Induksi Proliferasi Tunas In Vitro Mentha piperita Melalui Penambahan BAP dan Chitosan
Authors: Azizi, Alfia Annur Aini
Purwito, Agus
Wiendi, Ni Made Armini
Keywords: axilar shoot
tissue culture
Induksi Proliferasi
Tunas In Vitro
Mentha piperita
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Dep. Agronomi dan Hortikultura, PERAGI-PERHORTI-PERIPI-HIGI
Abstract: The aims of the research was to study the effect of Chitosan and BAP on in vitro shoot proliferation of Mentha piperita. This research was conducted from March 2011 to November 2011 at Tissue Culture’s Laboratory, Departement of Agronomy and Horticulture IPB, Bogor. The research was arrangement on completely randomized block design. This research consisted of two factors and three replications and each replication consisted 15 observation unit. The first factor is Chitosan with three levels of concentration of 0 mg/l, 10 mg/l, and 20 mg/l. The second factor is BAP with five levels of concentration of 0 mg/l, 0.5 mg/l, 1mg/l, 1,5 mg/l, and 2 mg/l. Axilar shoots of Mentha piperita explant were cultured on MS medium contained Chitosan and BAP as treatment. The culture was incubated for eight weeks in culture room with temperature 250C and light intensity 1000 lux. The result showed the treatment of Chitosan are significantly affected initial growth, number and length of shoot, number of node, root, and biomass. The treatments of BAP and its interaction with Chitosan are not significantly affected to all variable observed. Chitosan 0 mg/l and BAP 1.5 mg/l is the best treatment for initial growth, number of node, and root.
ISBN: 978-979-15649-6-0
Appears in Collections:Agronomy and Horticulture

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