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Title: Keanekaragaman Herpetofauna di Areal Siberut Conservation Program (SCP), Pulau Siberut, Kepulauan Mentawai, Sumatera Barat
Authors: Kusrini, Mirza D.
Kartono, Agus P.
Widyananto, Reza
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: Based on WWF report (1980) in Siberut, reptiles and amphibians are the least species of vertebrates known in the island. Lack of data and information has become an obstacle in the effort to conserve herpetofauna. This study aims to determine the diversity of herpetofauna at several locations in the surrounding areas of Siberut Conservation Program (SCP), Siberut Island, Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra. The study was conducted on April-May 2007. Fourteen transects were established during survey. The observation was divided into 7 terrestrial paths consisted of T7-T16, Camp SCP, T7, T21, T14, T6 and T9 and 7 aquatic paths consisted of Pungut River, Panggasan River, River 19-15, River T10, Pool 7, and Simorara River, and 2nd Pungut River. Data were recorded by direct observation or Visual Encounter Survey (VES) (Heyer et al. 1994). Observation of terrestrial habitats was conducted using time search methods, while aquatic habitat was search on a- 400 m stream transect. Observations were carried out in the morning (08.00-11.00 am) and night (20.00-23.00 pm) for 3 consecutive days. The total number of herpetofauna found in the whole area of observation at Siberut Conservation Program (SCP) is 40 species, which include 26 species of reptiles and 14 species of amphibians. Most species found are those that inhabit lowlands area and mostly common. There are several species of herpetofauna that need more attention include Python reticulatus, Ophiophagus hannah and Varanus salvator. Compared to several other locations in Sumatra, the biodiversity of herpetofauna in SCP is relatively lower. However, the existence of SCP supported biodiversity which can be shown by the presence of herpetofauna such as Aphaniotis acustirostris and Limnonectes kuhlii. There are several species that have potential benefits for residents such as edible frogs in example Limnonectes blytii, L. paramacrodon and L. shompenorum. Therefore the presence of SCP in North Siberut hascontributed to the awareness of wildlife conservation to the local community.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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