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Title: Management of Captivity, Morphology and Daily Activity Blue Tail Monitor (Varanus doreanus AB Meyer 1874) in PT Mega Citrindo.
Manajemen Penangkaran, Morfologi dan Aktivitas Harian Biawak Ekor Biru (Varanus doreanus AB Meyer 1874) di PT Mega Citrindo
Authors: Masy’ud, Burhanuddin
Suzanna, Erna
Mandasari, Zulia
Keywords: Lizard
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: PT Mega Citrindo is one corporate engaged in the trade (export) species of reptiles. The high demand of society to increasingly threaten the existence of reptiles wildlife animals in the wild. This corporate has been doing business a captive reptile is one of the blue tail monitor. This research aims to study the technical aspects of breeding management blue tailed monitor (Varanus doreanus), know the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of a blue tail monitor morphology as a determinant of sex and age classes and observe the daily activity of the blue tailed monitor in the cage. This study was conducted in April to May 2010 at PT Mega Citrindo. The method used is direct observation, interview and literature study. Data collected include the technical aspects of breeding, morphological characteristics of lizards both quantitatively and qualitatively the basis of sex and age classes and the daily activity of lizards in the cage. Data were analyzed by descriptive equipped with pictures, tables and graphs that are relevant. Captive breeding of a blue tail monitor in this corporate include the type of captivity been intensified with the economic objectives. This corporate has two types of cages for the blue tail monitor, which is a permanent enclosure as a place for adolescents and adults living lizard cage boxes and then container as a place to accommodate the young lizard before exported. Total length (from head-tail) of adult male lizards body average is 127.33 cm, while the adult female measuring 127 cm on average. This suggests that lizard body size of adult male and adult female relative is almost the same but age is not known for certain lizards. But if at the same age male lizards have a larger body size than females. Based on test results of chi-kuadarat on observations obtained X2 lizard activity count (205.66) > X2 table (15.507), so it can be proven that the daily activity time allocation for each lizard at times is a different age class. Captive breeding of this still needs more attention because the lizard has not been successfully bred. Blue-tailed monitor, including species that are morphologically monomorphic difficult to distinguish gender. Male lizards have a brighter color hue as compared to females. When grown in blue fade on the tail and body color will change from black to grayish black. More adult lizards sunbathing activity and rest, do more teens lizard feeding activity and resting while the lizard more tillers moving activity.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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