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Title: Maksimasi Nilai Bersih Sekarang (NPV) Hutan Tanaman Acacia mangium Willd. Sebagai Penghasil Kayu Pertukangan: Studi Kasus di BKPH Parungpanjang, KPH Bogor, Perum Perhutani Unit III Jawa Barat dan Banten.
Authors: Suhendang, Endang
Simangunsong, Bintang C.H
Suprayogi, Priyo
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
adjustment period.
Net Present Value (NPV)
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: One goal of even-aged forest management is to create a regulated forest, which is indicated by the same area in each age class. Meanwhile, an Acacia mangium plantation at BKPH Parungpanjang, KPH Bogor, Perum Perhutani Unit III West Java and Banten has a coefisien of variation of 42 %. The objective of this research is than to determine a harvesting plan that leads to a regulated A. Mangium plantation and a maximum Net Present Value (NPV). A linier programming model similar to the model developed by Buongiorno (1987) was then developed and used to determine a harvesting plan. The result show during asjustment period an annual harvest area ranged from 284 ha to 287 hs and generated NPV of Rp. 9, 05 billions. A regulated A. Mangium plantation was achieved is year 10 with Annual Allowable Cut (AAC) of 284 ha. Moreover, the generated NPV was 16 % higher thanthat generated by current harvesting practice (a Burn's Method).
Appears in Collections:UT - Forest Management

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