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Title: Prospect of Community Based Integrated Waste Management For Biological Resources Conservation Efforts (Case Study Ciracas and Jatinegara districts) in East Jakarta.
Prospek Pengelolaan Sampah Terpadu Berbasis Masyarakat Sebagai Upaya Konservasi Sumberdaya Hayati (Studi Kasus Kecamatan Ciracas & Jatinegara) Di Jakarta Timur.
Authors: Priyono, Agus
Purwawangsa, Handian
Sonevy, Elfrida
Keywords: Garbage
Public Participation
The Economic Benefits
The Environment
East Jakarta
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: The rapid increase in population growth rate of Indonesia brings benefits to growth and development of the city became the center of economic activity, industrial, social and cultural consequences of the increasing social costs. One of the impacts that occur because of increasing population and consumption patterns of society is the increasing amount of waste that is a byproduct of human activity. Trash does not always lead to adverse impacts to humans, even garbage can be used as a valuable economic commodity. Recycling activities both through the reuse, recycling and composting by the community is beneficial because it can suppress the accumulation of garbage in the environment, and also economically beneficial to society itself. Besides the production of compost from organic waste derived from natural resources to be useful in restoring the natural nutrients are broken down can be used in aquaculture, especially in forest nursery plants, especially forestry and agricultural crops in general. Analysis of the participation rate in its waste management used Spearman Correlation Test. Financial feasibility analysis of Elegant Quality compost plant can be seen from the criteria of NPV (Net Present Value), Net B/C (Net Benefit/Cost), and IRR (Internal Rate of Return). Value of economic benefits by the city garbage scavengers obtained from the estimated volume of waste dauran materials obtained by scavengers multiplied by the value of selling. Primary data were collected through interviews using questionnaires and field observations. While secondary data obtained from literature studies that collect data that has become the archives for the manager, through the tracing information from the related institutions .. Community participation in district level Ciracas in waste management were categorized as high with the percentage (71.67%), this suggests a positive outlook, because the future of education levels tend to increase recycling and composting activities provide economic benefits and have a good opportunity to developed. The economic advantages of recycling activities on average Rp 892,259.41 per ton of inorganic waste. Business dauran waste materials will provide the average income of Rp 31229.08 / day. Composting business has a value of B/C 5, while the value of business acquired IRR of 44.47% lovely compost, compost operations conducted by the present value of benefits to be implemented because it provides an additional benefit or profit of Rp 24,480,229.42. The majority of landfill waste in East Jakarta came from residential 5300 m³/day (78.91%) and the market with a volume of 580 m³/day (8.64%). Amount of landfill waste is served that is equal to 83.43%, the remaining 16.57% of waste is not transported. Handling waste in the form of recycling (4-3R) in East Jakarta at 354 m³/day will be reduced at least 5.27% per day from the garbage of 6716 m³/day. While handling in the form of composting for 46 m³/day will reduce at least 0.68% per day from the garbage of 6716 m³/day. Citizen participation and scavengers in waste reuse of waste will reduce operational costs and can reduce the burden of cleaning service in transporting waste from TPS to TPA. And use of waste as compost made by the community have ability to improve enhance soil fertility conditions (soil conservation).
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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