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Title: Dampak Pertambangan Batu Granit terhadap Sifat Fisik, Sifat Kimia, dan Sifat Biologi Tanah di Areal Hutan Lindung PT. Karimun Granit Kabupaten Karimun Propinsi Kepulauan Riau
Authors: Wasis, Basuki
Syamsudin, Muzi Anggraeni
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
land characteristics
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: Introduction. Indonesia have variated potency of nature resources that indigenous to forest. Besides management of forest, there is other activity that goes on in forest area that is mining activity. Mining Activity generaly conducted in nature forest, and even protected forest. Mining Activity of course can destroy forest ecosystem that opened for made areal mining. Mining Activity cause vegetation and land damage that affect erosion and sedimentation. Mining also can cause loss of land fertility at ex areal mine. In consequence, its needed research about the impact of mining . Specifically for granite mining that conducted PT. Karimun Granite in Sub-province Karimun, Province Kepulauan Riau, that reported has caused various of landscape and land damage in the mining areal. Materials and Method. This Research uses data of physical characteristic analysis, chemistry and biology of protected forest area land PT. Karimun Granit Sub-province Karimun, Province Kepulauan Riau. Research Method as used in this research is by purposive sampling, that location has been determined by Tim KementrianLingkungan Hidup. Data of physical analysis, chemistry and biology characteristic are compared to every location to analize the level of change at each of land characteristic value. Analysis of land characteristic is conducted to know the characteristic of physical, chemistry, and land biology at research location. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) by F test to variable perceived, conducted to know physical denaturing, chemistry and land biology after activity of granite mining. If f-count reach > F tables (value of reality opportunity < 0.05) or granite mining has an effect on reality, then conducted test continues to compare the middle value treatment. The test continues that used is Tukey test. Result and Discussion. Base value of analysis result characteristic of physical, chemistry, and land biology is known that at the three of location that is nature forest, dig land, and erotion land value each characteristic of land experiences of change either degradation or improvement. Then base testing result by F test, characteristic of land physical are not influenced manifestly by granite mining. Whereas for characteristic of chemistry and biology of some of which land is influenced manifestly by granite mining that is C-Organic, N-total, Mg, Na, KTK, Mn, and totalize mikroorganisme land. Result continues Tukey test for land characteristics referred as indicate that value at dig land and erotion land differ reality by value at nature forest. Conclusion. Activity of granite mining causes change the physical characteristic of land, that shown by the increase of bulk density, and degradation of land porosity, water availabilty, and permeability. In other hand, activity of granite mining causes change at characteristic of land chemistry that shown by increasing of pH, Fe, and Zn and degradation of C-organic content, KTK, N-total, P-Bray, K, Ca, Mg, Na. And then, activity of granite mining causes change at characteristic of land biology that is shown by increase of fungi land, totalize solute P bacterium, and totalize land respiration, and degradation of land mikroorganisme.
Appears in Collections:UT - Silviculture

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