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Title: Jangka Reproduksi Wanita Suku Baduy, Kabupaten Lebak, Provinsi Banten
Authors: Suryobroto, Bambang
Widayati, Kanthi Arum
Rohmatullayaly, Eneng Nunuz
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
reproductive period
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: Humans grow and develop into a child, adolescent, adult, and aging. Condition who switch from the children phase to teen or young adult phase is called puberty. First menstruation (menarche) in women marking the occurrence of puberty. The women reproductive phase begin with menarche and end at the time of menopause. Menopause is a condition which there is no ovulation and the menstrual cycle. The lead time from puberty until menopause is called the reproductive period of women. Knowing the reproductive period of women is very close with to the nature of women to become pregnant. Baduy tribe was chosen as the comparative with previous studies. Due to, they live outside of alienating themselves from society, the marriage happens his fellow man, not getting an education, and still maintain customs. This study used longitudinal method, the status quo method, and memory method. Data was collected from interviews. The data was processed using the Probit GLM (Generalized Linear Models) in R program. The result showed that menopausal age was 48.64 years, menarche age was 14.97 years (year 1976). The reproductive period was limited by the age of menarche and menopause obtained for 33.67 years.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biology

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