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Title: Uji Keragaan Pepaya IPB 9 di Tiga Lokasi di Kabupaten Bogor
Authors: Susanto,Slamet
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: This research was aimed to study the morphology characters and fruit quality of population of papaya IPB 9 at three locations in Bogor regency. This research was done on October 2009 until March 2010 and the three locations of papaya are the in Tajur Experimental Field as a first location, the second location is Kampung Tali Kolot, Cimande, Caringin district, and the last location is Kampung Lengis, Warung Menteng village, Cijeruk district. The technique of collecting sample is using the Purposive Random Sampling method from population of observation has a commercial field. The sample is from three fields and each field is taken 30 sample trees and each tree is taken 2 hermaphrodite papayas. There are found some similarities and differences of morphology and quality of papaya IPB 9 that’s planted at three locations. The result of research showed that genotype IPB 9 was planted having same characters, except number leaf, petiole diameter, leaf length, leaf wide, length of veins of a leaf , steam circumference, length of fruit stalk , number of fruit. On the physical fruit quality, were significantly different for diameter lower end and middle of fruit, weight of fruit, hardness lower end of skin fruit, middle fruit flesh, tip fruit flesh, thickness of fruit flesh, weight of 100 seeds, weight of fruit flesh. On the chemical fruit quality, were significantly different for acidity titrrable. Whereas on hardness of skin fruit tip, middle of fruit flesh, vitamin C content, and water content on theree location not significantly differents
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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