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Title: Detection of hotspots area in malaria surveillance in bangka district, Indonesia
Other Titles: Proceedings: The first congress of SEAVSA (South East Asia Veterinary School Association)
animal health & Production for better ASEAN Quality of Life Challenge of Veterinary Education
Authors: Sudarmika, Etih
Sudarwanto, Mirnawati
Saefuddin, Asep
Cahyaningsih, Umi
Hadi, Upik Kesumawati
Jodi Vaden Eng
Hawley, William A.
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: The 1st SEAVSA
Abstract: Indonesia is one of the malaria endemic countries. According to malaria andemicity map of Indonesia year 2007, it is estimated 45% of indonesia populatin is living in high risk of malaria contagion area. One of the endemic areas in Indonesia id Bangka District ini Bangka Belitung Privince. Bangka District is categorized as medium level for malaria endemicity with represented by annual malaria incidence (AMI) of 29,3 of 1000 people in 2007 (Ministry of Health, 2008). Surveillance activity is one of the important events to eradicate and control malaria. From this surveilliance activity it is expected could establish a preventive action in a quick respone especialy in certain malaria hotspot area at a certain time to control the diseases.
Appears in Collections:Proceedings

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