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dc.contributor.advisorKamal, Mohammad Mukhlis
dc.contributor.advisorZamani, Neviaty Putri
dc.contributor.authorUtomo, Sigit Priyo
dc.description.abstractLocal Marine Conservation Area of Liwutongkidi Island, Buton Regency has a great potential of coral reefs and coral reef fishes. One of the coral reef fishes that important in coral reefs are butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae). This family has been considered as bioindicator for the health of coral reefs due to their close association with coral reefs habitat. Data on coral reefs was done by using Line Intercept Transect Method that were distributed in the coral reefs substrat and visual census for looking abundance the coral reef fishes. Data coral reefs and coral reef fishes were done carried between the various reefs sites using diversity, evenness, dominance and species abundance. Studies were conducted to determine the relationship between coral reef conditions with abundance of Chaetodontidae. Statistical analysis using linier regression indicated there were significant difference between both number of percentage corals cover and species Chaetodon diversity. Observation at Local Marine Conservation Areas of Liwutongkidi Islans showed the percentage cover of hard corals recorded 50.03% (good condition). The pattern of linier relationship between percentage hard corals cover with abundance of Chaetodontidae show a positive correlation that is the abundance of Chaetodontidae influenced by percentage hard corals cover (r = 0.73, R2 = 53.70%, significant on p<0.05). The characterictics of habitat are grouped based on substratum with Bray-Curtis similarity index. Chaetodontidae fish species are grouped based on the observation station to see the Sorensen’s similarity coefficient. Consistency for the presence of certain group fish in the habitat of this fish showed that the groups were present in a habitat that has particularizes that are not found in other groups. Based on constancy and fidelity indices in general term the Chaetodontidae fish spread on variety of group habitats.en
dc.description.abstractLuasan terumbu karang di Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun terus mengalami penurunan dan kerusakan akibat faktor alam dan tekanan akibat pemanfaatan oleh manusia. Salah satu cara menyelamatkan sumberdaya terumbu karang adalah dengan pembentukan kawasan konservasi laut. Sebagai Kawasan Konservasi Laut Daerah Pulau liwutongkidi memiliki peran dalam mendukung kelestarian sumberdaya perikanan yang dalam hal ini terumbu karang dan ikan. Ikan Chaetodontidae tergolong ikan yang penting dalam berasosiasi dengan terumbu karang, banyak jenisnya yang memiliki ketergantungan hidup terutama dalam hal makanan utama terhadap karang (Bouchon-Navaro 1986) dan kelimpahan Chaetodontidae berhubungan juga dengan sumber makanan tersebut (Robert et al. 1992). Hal ini juga yang menyebabkan ikan Chaetodontidae disarankan untuk dipergunakan sebagai indikator utama dalam melakukan penelitian terhadap kondisi karang (Hourigan 1989). Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan Pulau Liwutongkidi, Kabupaten Buton. Penelitian ini berlangsung sejak bulan April - Juni 2010. Pengambilan data terumbu karang dilakukan dengan metode Line Intercept Transect (LIT). Pengambilan data ikan Chaetodontidae dilakukan dengan metode visual sensus. Pengambilan data parameter lingkungan dengan dilakukan secara in-situ. Analisa isi perut atau jenis makanan ikan Chaetodontidae dilakukan di Laboratorium Eko- Biologi Departemen Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan (MSP).
dc.publisherIPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
dc.subjectlocal marine conservation areaen
dc.subjectcoral reefsen
dc.subjectpercentage corals cover Chaetodontidaeen
dc.titleStudy the Correlation of Coral Reefs Condition with the Abundance Chaetodontidae’s Fish in Local Marine Conservation Areas Liwutongkidi Island, Buton Regencyen
dc.titleHubungan Kondisi Terumbu Karang dengan Kelimpahan Ikan Chaetodontidae di Kawasan Konservasi Laut Daerah Pulau Liwutongkidi, Kabupaten Buton
Appears in Collections:MT - Fisheries

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