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Title: Nugget characteristic from giant catfish (Clarias sp) using bogor taro as filler and coating agent
Karakteristik Nugget dari Ikan Lele Dumbo (Clarias sp) dengan Bahan Pengisi dan Pelapis dari Talas Bogor
Authors: Purwaningsih, Sri
Ibrahim, Bustami
Hikmawati, Mutia
Keywords: catfish
taro flour
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: The study was carried out to characterize proximate composition of catfish, taro corms and taro flour and to evaluate the effect of washing catfish mince (0, 1, 2, 3 times) and taro flour’s concentration (0%; 5%; 10%; 15%; 20%) on the parameters of filler. The best result of the previous treatment was used to evaluate the effect of taro flour and maize starch ratio (4:0; 3:1; 2:2; 1:3; 0:4) on the parameters of batter. In order to characterize nugget product and to estimate its self life, the best result of the third treatment was used. The selected nugget product is produced from catfish mince with once washing treatment and 5% taro flour’s concentration as filler, and 1:3 taro flour and maize starch rasio for batter. The most abundant amino acids was glutamic acid (2%) while leucine was the most abundant essential amino acid (0,86%). The fatty acid compositions score showed that unsaturated fatty acid was higher than saturated fatty acid. The highest unsaturated fatty acid was oleic acid (30,44%) and the lowest was miristoleic acid (0,02%). Potassium (K) was the highest mineral content and flour (F) was the lowest ones. Quantitative descriptive analysis showed that nugget product has higher fish flavour and crunchiness, and lower oiliness values than commercial nugget. Results of the present study suggest that TPC appearred to be the main measurable indicators of quality changes in nugget product. Based on TPC, the estimation of product’s shelf life was 27,35 weeks (191,45 days).
Appears in Collections:MT - Fisheries

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