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Title: Pengaruh Formula Ekstrak 4 Tanaman terhadap Aktivitas dan Kapasitas Fagositosis Makrofag Peritoneum Ayam yang Ditantang dengan Bakteri Staphylococcus aureus
Authors: Pontjo, Bambang
Subangkit, Mawar
Manik, Andrew Babtista
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
chicken’s peritoneal macrophage.
Andographis paniculata Nees
Phyllanthus niruri Linn
Curcuma Aureginosa Roxb
Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb
Medicinal plant extract
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to observe the effects of four medicinal plants extract formulas (Temulawak/Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb., Temu Ireng/Curcuma aureginosa Roxb., Meniran/Phyllanthus niruri Linn., and Sambiloto/Andographis paniculata Nees) on chicken’s peritoneal macrophage activity and capacity by counting the number of active macrophage and the number of phagocytised bacteria. Fifteen heads of day old chick were divided into five groups with various treatments. The treatments were; (1) F1: extract combination of Temulawak, Temu Ireng, Meniran, and Sambiloto; (2) F2: extract combination of Temulawak, Temu Ireng, and Meniran; (3) F3: formula Temulawak and Temu Ireng; (4) F4: extract combination of Meniran and Sambiloto; and (5) untreated as control. The chikens were treated for 28 days. Result showed that all combinations of plant extract formula treatment increased the activity and capacity of chicken peritoneal macrophage compared to the control group. For activity, group F3 was the best result (p<0.01), while for capacity the group F4 give the highest response (p<0.01). In general we concluded that combination of Meniran and Sambiloto (group F4) was the best combination on chicken peritoneum macrophage activity and capacity.
Appears in Collections:UT - Veterinary Clinic Reproduction and Pathology

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