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Title: Nanostructure characteristics of cell wall and their relationship to wood quality (Case study in 7-years-old cloned teak)
Karakteristik Struktur Nano Dinding Sel dan Kaitannya dengan Sifat-sifat kayu (studi kasus kayu jati klon umur 7 tahun)
Authors: Wahyudi, Imam
Siregar, Iskandar Z.
Pari, Gustan
Yunianti, Andi Detti
Keywords: cloned teak
wood quality
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Recently, production of teak wood has been decreased and failured to fulfill market demands. Improvement in silviculture treatment shortened teak rotation turning it into fast growing species with the wood quality similar to its origin. Most of research on wood quality of teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) were focused on determining physical properties (density and specific gravity), wood structure (fiber dimension and Microfibril Angle (MFA)) and mechanical properties (Modulus of Elasticity, MOE and Modulus of Rupture, MOR). Variation in terms of wood qualities was widely observed. However, understanding the causes of the variation patterns of wood quality at the nano level is still lacking. This research aims to analyze growth variation and wood quality (nanostructure) from two different spacings (3 m x 3 m and 2 m x 6 m) and two different origins of clones, i.e Cepu and Madiun. The teak samples were taken from 7-years-old clonal trials in the research site of Watu Sipat Forests, Biotechnology and Forest Tree Improvement Research Facilities in Yogyakarta. Results showed that fenotype does not affect wood quality. Nanostructure of fast growing teak has influenced wood strength and durability. MOE was influenced by density, MFA, degree of crystallinity and width of cellulose crystallites. Apart of these findings, this research also highlighted the presence of preservative that could be detected in cell wall of wood through structure and dimension of cellulose crystallinity. In conclusion, wood quality characteristics from clone of Madiun was better than that of clone of Cepu, particularly at the spacing of 2 m x 6 m. This spacing, therefore, is considered importantly for economic, ecological and wood quality cloned teak development.
Appears in Collections:DT - Forestry

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