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dc.contributor.authorSusanto, Slamet
dc.contributor.authorGinting, Muhammad Randi
dc.contributor.authorTyas, Kartika Ning
dc.contributor.authorRahayu, Arifah
dc.descriptionProsiding Seminar Nasional Hortikultura 2010en
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research was to observe the fruit quality of pummelo cultivars during the storage period. This research was conducted at Ecophysiology Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB, Dramaga from May to December 2009. The experiment used Randomized Complete Design consisted of 2 factors. The first factor is pummelo cultivars (Cikoneng 1, Cikoneng 2, Jawa 1, Jawa 2, Srinyonya, Adas Duku , Adas Nambangan, Bali Putih, Bali Merah, Bageng and Pumelo). The second factor is the storage period (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks after harvest). The results showed that during storage Cikoneng 1had the lowest weight loss while the highest was observed on Bali Putih. The highest PTT and TA was obesrved in Jawa 2, and the lowest was in Bali Putih. In general the increase in value of variables observed occurred on fruit softness, weight loss, total soluble solids and ratio of TSS: acidity, while value of acidity and vitamin C gradually decreased with the longer storage period. There was variablity in the change pattern of variables observed among cultivars during storage.en
dc.publisherPerhimpunan Hortikultura Indonesia
dc.subjectstorage perioden
dc.subjectKualitas Buahen
dc.titleChange of Fruit Quality of 11 Pummelo Cultivars During Storageen
dc.title.alternativePerubahan Kualitas Buah 11 Kultivar Pamelo Selama Penyimpananen
Appears in Collections:Agronomy and Horticulture

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