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Title: Fase Rentan Tanaman Cabai Terhadap Infeksi Begomovirus
Authors: Ganefianti, Dwi Wahyuni
Sujiprihati, Sriani
Hidayat, Sri Hendrastuti
Syukur, Muhamad
Keywords: Begomovirus
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Perhimpunan Hortikultura Indonesia
Abstract: One of the factors that influence the severity of plant disease caused by viral infection is the onset of infection. There is a tendency that the younger the age of plant in getting infected, the more severe the disease caused by Begomovirus infection. The objectives of this study are to determine the actual onset of Begomovirus infection for the purpose of resistance selection, and to determine the onset of Begomovirus infection which results in the most devastating damage. This study used the Randomized Complete Block Design with two factors; the first factors are 5 chili pepper genotypes and the second factor is the infection in 3 plant phases with control group (non infection). The result of the study showed that the cotiledon phase (two-leaves) was very susceptible to Begomovirus infection, followed by four-leaves plant and six-leaves- plant. Plants which were infected during the cotiledon phase, two-leaves phase and six-leaves phase had resulted in a reduction q( dried biomass weight percentage 32.96, 14.510 and 17.52% consecutively, whereas the reduction of percentage of fruit weight per plant were 83.014%, 83.243% and 84.591% consecutively. Accordingly, all of phase had result in a significantly high decrease in yield Genotype 35C2 is a susceptible genotype, while IPBC12 is a resistance genotype
Description: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hortikultura 2010
ISBN: 978-979-25-1263-2
Appears in Collections:Agronomy and Horticulture

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