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dc.contributor.advisorSandra, Edhi
dc.contributor.authorHidayat, Rahmat
dc.description.abstractRed sandalwood is usefull medical plant, the bark can be used as an anti bacterial medicine (for injury), can be processed into milk, used as materials for making jewelry, and other things. Although research for red sandalwood could be found in abundance there were limited on its seed strorage, due to that situation the studies about storage effect using pyramid shape method of red sandalwood needs to be done. The study was aimed to determine the effect of storage in the pyramid shape method to germination percentage of the seeds of medicinal plants Red sandalwood (Adenanthera pavonina L.). The research method consisted of two phases of activity, namely: (1) The stages of storage, including preparation of seed and seed storage, (2) stage of germination, including pre-germination, seed germination, treatment, and observation. Observed variable was the germination percentage. Experimental design that used was completely randomized factorial design consisted of 6 storing methods factor and 3 storing durations factor. Data were analyzed using the F test followed by Duncan test. The results showed that storage methods factor was significantly affected the germination of seeds; storage durations was very significantly affected the germination of seeds, whereas the interaction of methods and storage durations did not significantly affected the red sandalwood (A. pavonina) germination. The method of the lowest to the highest germination are: the pyramid without surface that has 13.33% of germination percentage, paper surface pyramid (paper pyramid) that has 13.67%, paper pyramid surface with holes/ventilation (ventilation pyramid ) that has 17.67%, kaolin-gypsum pyramid surface (kaolin-gypsum pyramid) that has 20.33%, silver paper pyramid surface that has a reflection (mirror pyramid) that has the 22.00 %. From the analysis of storage duration on the germination percentage showed that seeds planted immediately (0 week) have the lowest average of germinating which has 3.33% of germination, then the largest value is generated by 2 weeks storage duration which has 28.67% of germination, the germination decreased in the storage duration of 4 weeks which has 23% of germination. Storage methods factor was significantly affected the germination and storage durations was very significantly affect the seeds germination of red sandalwood (A. pavonina). The pyramid shape methods were not suitable for red sandalwood storage, the best results for storage duration factors was 2 weeks duration with the 28.67% of germination.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectPyramid shape.en
dc.subjectRed sandalwooden
dc.titlePengaruh Penyimpanan dengan Metode Bangun Piramida terhadap Daya Berkecambah Benih Tumbuhan Obat Saga Pohon (Adenanthera pavonina L.)en
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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