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Title: Kajian Mekanisme Pembayaran Jasa Lingkungan Penyediaan Sumberdaya Air (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Lombok Barat dan Kota Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat)
Authors: Putro, Haryanto R.
Priyono, Agus
Sriani, Nini
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: The springs at the upper Jangkok watersheds are the supplier of clean water for West Lombok District, Mataram City and some areas in Central Lombok District society. Sesaot forest area are the headwaters of Jangkok watershed. Most of their area has been managed by farm-forest society with Community Forest Management system (CFM). There are many problems in Jangkok watershed area, such as land degradation, many potential damage of biophysical aspects and institutional aspects of forest community groups, a decreasing of springs number and the lowering of average water debit at Jangkok river, landsliding, erosion, sedimentation and water crisis threathening as the result of water debit decreases and water demand increases. The upstream society as a service providers had been required to protect the land cover and the same time they are has had their lives on. Downstream society in Mataram City utilizing the environment services of water through PDAM. The downstream society moval for water preciousness, which should be used as economic goods, and payments for the upstream society who preserves watersheds in the catchment area, known as the payment for environmental services (PES) mechanism. An efforts in West Lombok District, supported by local regulation West Lombok District No. 4/2007 about management of environmental services for water utilization and tourism, is a form of payment for environmental services mechanisms. Payment for environmental services mechanisms was a new scheme in Indonesia. For further application, learning is needed for the involved parties, each stakeholder role, law enforcement, regulations and agreements along with the stakeholder succesfullness at the field. This performances included the field realities and each party benefits. The data had been collected by triangulation method : interview, field observation and documents tracking. Stakeholder analysis method and qualitative descriptive analysis had been used for data analysis. Stakeholder which are involved in PES mechanism for water resources supply in West Lombok District and Mataram City identified as many as 18 stakeholder. PES mechanisms for water resources supply in West Lombok District and Mataram City managed by IMP and it has a legal basis. It is counted as pure PES. Its fulfill five criteria there are voluntary transaction, well-defined environmental service, a buyer and provider of environmental services, and environmental services provider secures environmental service provision.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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