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Title: Manajemen Pakan Orangutan Sumatera (Pongo abelii Lesson, 1827) di Pusat Reintroduksi Orangutan Sumatera (PROS) Provinsi Jambi
Authors: Rinaldi, Dones
Mardiastuti, Ani
Sibarani, Connie Lydiana
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
eating habit
feeding duration
sumatran orangutan
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: One effort to conserve orangutans population in their natural habitat was by reintroduction. In reintroduction stage, orangutans temporarily live in socialization cage and feed as necessary for introduction to ensure their survival in the wild. Success of orangutan survival in nature could be reached through good management, including orangutan’s food management. Research is needed to identify food and feeding management in a reintroduction activity, to study the feeding duration of orangutan based on feeding frequency, and to study feeding habit of orangutan in socialization cage. Data was collected in June to September 2011 in Sumatran Orangutan Reintroduction Center (SORC) located in two stations: SORC Sungai Pengian Station (Tebo District, Jambi Province) and Open Orangutan Sanctuary (OOS) Danau Alo Station (West Tanjung Jabung District, Jambi Province). Data collection was including primary and secondary data that consist of feeding management, feeding duration, orangutan’s feeding habit, cage management and orangutan’s health management. Focal Animal Sampling methods was used to know orangutan’s feeding habit. Data was analyzed descriptively and qualitative. There were 6 orangutans used as samples, representing different sexes and age structures. Orangutan’s food management in socialization cage was categorized based on food type, feeding time, food preparation, and feed presentation. There were 4 types of food: main food, enrichment food, natural food, and additional food. The main food was given 5 times a day. Food type and main feeding time was arranged based on food management by considering diet of orangutan’s food. The fastest average feeding time was by orangutan named Frangkie (sub adult, female; averaging 3 minutes 52 seconds), while the longest was in orangutan named Mirriam (juvenile, female; 20 minutes 12 seconds). Management implementation was supported by reintroduction to natural habitat, Mobile Educational Unit, Wildlife Protection Unit and Community Development. Feeding duration of orangutan was affected by food type, method of food provision, method of feed preparation and feeding habit of orangutan. Feeding management in reintroduction centre was needed to increase enrichment food and natural food. In addition, further research about proximate analysis is needed, as well as changing food container
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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