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Title: Perencanaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Pendukung Pelestarian Satwa Kalong (Pteropus vampyrus) di Kota Bogor
Authors: Nurisyah, Siti
Suyitno, Agus
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Pteropus vampyrus.
Wild Life
Source of Feed
greenery open space
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: Availability of Green Open Space in urban areas is decreasing and could result in environmental degradation. One form of environmental degradation particularly in the city of Bogor is the threatened habitat of Bats (Pteropus vampyrus) in Bogor Botanical Garden. Bats act as pollinators for the trees with high commercial value such as banana, durian, mangrove, kapok, mango and other types of other woods in mangrove forests. Biological diversity is increased by the pollen from the trees brought by the bats that flies long distances. In addition to these benefits, the presence of wildlife in urban environments bats also promises an interesting tourism attraction for tourists. Unfortunately, there is a recent declining population of bats, and it’s greatest threat is its’ habitat loss due to the reduction of food availability due to the decreasing of the existing green space. This study aims to plan a green open space based on an ecological approach to conservation of habitat of bats (Pteropus vampyrus) in the city of Bogor. From the analysis of green space, it can be concluded that the green space to the city of Bogor enrichment plant species like bats (with the architectural characteristics: an average height of 45-65 m, average trunk diameter of 50-95 cm, canopy width reaches 5-25 m and leaf density reached 10-75%) as a place to live that makes it easy to perch and fly. In addition the plant is the source of feed is a plant that produces honey / nectar, small amounts of pollen (pollen) and flowers in large quantities. Planning green open space as a supporter of wildlife conservation of bats (Pteropus vampyrus) follows the pattern of converging to the center of the City Park Botanical Garden in Bogor District Central. Botanical Gardens can be focused as a "home base" for wildlife bats. Green open space in Bogor City Planning must be integrated with urban planning. Other forms of green space in urban areas laid out so that continuous scale ranging from environment to form neighborhood parks and park districts. Then the green areas that have a relatively elongated shape (green line) as a connector or fastener parks and green space areas (node or district). Green open space this pathway may serve as a corridor for wildlife movement in any urban area. Protection of the green line (border river / electric transmission tower/ rail) needs to be done to protect the border functions of the human activities that can disrupt and damage the condition of securing it. Broad demarcation in the city of Bogor area of 1858.08 hectares, or approximately 15.51% of the total area.
Appears in Collections:UT - Landscape Architecture

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