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Title: Deteksi Baktert Patogen Xanthomonas campestris pada Benih, Media Tanam dan Air Sumber Penyiraman Bibit Acacia crassicarpa
Other Titles: Detection of Leaf Blight Bacterial Pathogen on Seeds Culture Media, and Water Sources of Acacia crassicarpa
Authors: Ernawati, Ni Made Laksmi
Tjahjono, Budi
Machmud, Muhammmad
Sumaraw, Sientje Mandang
Keywords: bacterial leaf blight pathogen
culture media
water sources
A. crassicarpa seedlings
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Eugenia Media Publikasi Ilmu Pertanian
Series/Report no.: Vol. 14 No. 1;112-120
Abstract: Initial inoculum of pathogen around its hosts is one of the factors that disease epidemic to be hqppened'. Because of that research aimed to detect population of leaf blight bacterial pathogen on seeds, culture media, and water sources of A. crassicarpa seedlings had been done. Research was oonducted in IPB Plant Bacteriology Laboratorium in May 2005 and March-July 2006. The result showed that generally bacterial leaf blight pathogen Xanthomonas campestIis can be detected either from seeds, culture media, or water sources of A. crassicarpa seedlings. Total of Xanthomonas campestris population as a initial inoculum was quite high between 2,9 x 102 un1il9,9 x 106 CFUlml.
ISSN: 0854-0276
Appears in Collections:Plant Protection

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