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Title: Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografi Bagi Penentuan Kemungkinan Daerah Genangan Akibat Tsunami (Studi Kasus: Kabupaten Ciamis Jawa Barat) (GIS Application in Determining the Possible Inundation Area by Tsunami (Case Study:Ciamis Regency of West Java)
Other Titles: Forum Pascasarjana
Authors: Zaitunah, Anita
Kusmana, Cecep
Jaya, I Nengah Surati
Haridjaja, Oteng
Keywords: tsunami
coastal area
West Java
Issue Date: Oct-2011
Publisher: IPB
Series/Report no.: Vol. 34;No.4
Abstract: Between 1992-2005 there were 8 tsunamis occured in Indonesia. At 17 July 2006 tsunami reached the southern coast of West Java, Cilacap and Yogyakarta. Tsunamis had caused heavy destruction and death. The aim of the study is to find out spatially the potential of inundation area by tsunami wave based on the distribution of inundation extent of different run up. The run up of 7.5 m flooded 4% from whole study area. 36% of the area was flooded by 15 m run up. When the run up was 7,5 m, some areas were flooded reaching 200 m from the coast and there were also some points going further 10 1 km. The run up of 15 m moved further to 4,5 km. The information on the distance and extent of inundation from some possible run up of tsunami become an input on potential areas flooded by water and having destruction.
ISSN: 0126-1886
Appears in Collections:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia

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