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Title: Development Strategy of Small-scale Beekeeping (Case Study in Kampong Nyalenghor, District Pagerageung, Tasikmalaya Regency)
Authors: Chadizaviary, V.
Cyrilla, L.
Siregar, H.C.H.
Keywords: apiary, development strategy, honey bee
Issue Date: 6-Jul-2012
Publisher: Faculty of Animal Science Bogor Agricultural University
Abstract: Bees are one kind of insects which produce honey, royal jelly and wax, and which have been well known by the human. In honey bee reservation, things need to be prepared are location and the bee colony. One of many farms which need more information about honey bee apiary reservation is Sri Buana Group which is located at Tasikmalaya District, West Java. Until the present they do not really have fixed consumers. The potential of honey bee at Kampong Nyalenghor, in fact, still hasn’t been exposed. It can be proved by the relatively low production technology and marketing system. It’s only a supporting business for them. Farming and gardening are their main jobs. The apiary group at Kampong Nyalenghor is coordinated under the Forestry Department. The Forestry Department consider that the area have great potential for honey bee reservation geographically, because the area located at the highest altitude in the area of Pagerageung Village. A problem that usually appears and threats the farmers, for example, is the lack of stup (beehive). It was caused by the farmer who does not have money to buy the hive. The problems can be solved if the government supplies more hive. The group in Kampong Nyalenghor still needs training and guidance so they can increase their income.
Description: The article, Published here in are proceeding of second international seminar on Animal Industry held in Jakarta, Indonesia 5-6 July 2012
ISBN: 978-602-96530-1-4
Appears in Collections:Proceedings

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