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dc.contributor.authorRaynasari, Biantri
dc.description.abstractRetail plastisc are commonly used for food and non-food packaging. Retail plastics that used for packaging of fresh product should have good physical and mechanical properties in order to keep the quality of the product. Mechanical properties of plastic packaging are seen from tensile strength and elongation percentage, while physical properties are seen from water vapour permeability and morphology surface. Plastic retail that has good mechanical properties is HDPE and HDPE perforated. Biodegradable plastic has low mechanical and physical properties because of a mixture of tapioca starch. The effect of storage temperatures are reduced the mechanical properties of HDPE and HDPE perforated, especially in low-temperature storages. While storage temperatures does not affect the mechanical properties of biodegradable plastic significantly. Based on morphology surfaces, storage in low temperature will change the surface of biodegradable plastic. Its seen from the increasing number and shape of the granules of starch on the surface of the plastic. Water vapor permeability of HDPE and HDPE perforated increased during the time of storage, while the biodegradable plastic showed a decreased.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectmechanical and physical properties for packagingen
dc.subjectretail plastic packagingen
dc.subjectplastic storageen
dc.titlePengaruh Suhu Penyimpanan Terhadap Sifat Fisik dan Mekanik Kemasan Plastik Retaien
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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