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Title: Study on the Shoot Growth of Pruned Planting Stocks and Rooting Ability of Belangeran (Shorea balangeran Burck) Cuttings in the Revolving Cutting Technique
Studi Pertumbuhan Tunas Bibit Stek Pangkas dan Kemampuan Berakar Stek Balangeran (Shorea balangeran Burck) dalam Sistem Pemangkasan Bergulir
Authors: Djamhuri, Edje
Subiakto, Atok
Keywords: Shorea balangeran Burck
material cuttings
revolving cutting technique
planting stocks
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: IPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Planting stock production for plantation establishment of dipterocarps species, such as of belangeran (Shorea balangeran Burck) is difficult due to erratic flowering and fruiting season and recalcitrant character of the seeds. For overcoming such problems, vegetative propagation through cutting could be one appropriate solution. For most fast growing species, mass cutting production depends on hedge orchard as a source of cutting material. However, management of dipterocarps hedge orchard is problematic due to low shoot formation ability and slow shoot growth. Therefore, a technique of cutting material production was introduced using revolving cutting technique. The objectives of this research were to study the effect of pruning on the shoot growth of pruned planting stocks, and to study the rooting ability of cuttings from pruned S. balangeran planting stocks (ortet). MATERIALS AND METHOD: The research was conducted in Research and Development Center for Forest and Nature Conservation (P3HKA), Bogor, from Februari–May 2007. Research materials and equipments were: nursery raised seedling as the source of cutting material, insecticide, Rootone-F, rice husk media, coconut shell dust media, twig cutter, ruler, sprayer, oven, analytic weighting scale, propagation racks, propagation boxes, and writing materials. Research procedure was started with selection of planting stocks as cutting material source, pruning of the planting stocks (ortet), preparation of cutting media, application of growth regulator, planting of cuttings, and maintenance (watering, weeding, fertilizer application, and spraying). The observed variables included shoot height of the pruned planting stocks, number of shoot of pruned planting stocks, rooting percentage of the cuttings, root length of the cuttings, and root dry weight of the cuttings. The experiment was designed by using Completely Randomized Design (CRD). RESULT AND CONCLUSION. Pruning did not give significant effect on height of shoot of the pruned planting stocks, rooting percentage of the cuttings, root length of the cuttings, and root dry weight of belangeran cuttings. However, pruning give significant effect on number of shoots of pruned planting stocks, where after two times of pruning, number of shoot was 2 times greater (5.1 shoots) than that of one time of pruning (4.1 shoots). The findings indicated that, cutting materials of belangeran vegetative propagation could be obtained from repeated pruning (second pruning) of planting stocks in nursery.
Pengadaan benih dalam membangun hutan tanaman Dipterocarpaceae seperti balangeran (S. balangeran) dijumpai berbagai kendala antara lain: musim berbunga dan berbuah tidak teratur dan benihnya yang bersifat rekalsitran. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, perbanyakan secara vegetatif melalui stek merupakan salah satu solusi yang tepat. Produksi massa stek untuk jenis cepat tumbuh (fast growing spesies) bergantung pada kebun pangkas sebagai sumber bahan stek. Namun, pengelolaan kebun pangkas meranti di jumpai permasalahan yaitu kemampuan pembentukan tunas yang kurang produktif dan pertumbuhannya lambat, maka dikembangkan teknik produksi bahan stek dengan sistem pemangkasan bergulir. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh tahap pemangkasan terhadap pertumbuhan tunas bibit stek pangkas dan kemampuan berakar stek dari bibit stek S. balangeran yang di pangkas. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam(P3HKA), Bogor dari bulan Februari - Mei 2007. Bahan dan alat penelitian berupa bibit stek balangeran, insektisida, Rootone–F, media sekam padi dan media serbuk kulit kelapa, gunting stek, penggaris, sprayer, oven, timbangan analitik, rak pembiakan, sungkup propagasi dan alat tulis. Metode kerja diawali dari proses pemilihan bibit stek, pemangkasan bibit stek, persiapan media stek, pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh, penanaman stek dan pemeliharaan meliputi penyiraman, penyiangan, pemupukan dan penyemprotan. Pengamatan terdiri dari tinggi tunas bibit stek pangkas, jumlah tunas bibit stek pangkas, persen berakar stek, panjang akar stek dan berat kering akar stek. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Tahap pemangkasan tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tunas bibit stek pangkas, persen berakar stek, panjang akar stek dan berat kering akar stek S. balangeran. Namun, tahap pemangkasan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap jumlah tunas bibit stek pangkas, dimana setelah dilakukan pemangkasan 2 kali jumlah tunas lebih banyak (5,1 buah) dibanding setelah dilakukan pemangkasan 1 kali (4,1 buah). Penemuan mengindikasikan bahwa bahan stek dari perbanyakan vegetatif S. balangeran dapat juga diperoleh dari pemangkasan ulang (ke-2) bibit di persemaian.
Appears in Collections:UT - Silviculture

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