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Title: Studi Hematologi pada Landak Jawa (Hystrix javanica)
Hematology study of Javan Porcupine (Hystrixjavanica).
Authors: Supratikno
Agungpriyono, Srihadi
Sinambela, Elsye Minar
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: This research was conducted to observe blood values and morphology of the Javan porcupine (Hystrix javanica). This research used five adult porcupines, consisted of four males and one female with body weight around 7-9 kg. Blood sample was taken intracardiallyin parallel with the olecranon intercostale. Processed for hematological examinations total erythrocyte, Hb, PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC, total leukocyte, and blood cell morphology. The results showed that total erythrocytes was (4.21±0.49 x106/mm3), Hb was (14.33±2.43 gr/dl), and PCV was (43.08±3.82%), respectively. Further analysis resulted in the MCV (102.66±4.63 fl), MCH (34.25±4.78 pg) and MCHC (33.25±3.69%). Total leukocytes of Javan porcupine were (10.11±2.87 x103/mm3), consisted of lymphocyte (70.9±7.79%), monocyte (1.8±0.76%), neutrophil (22.5±9.09%), eosinophil (3.6±1.64%) and basophil (1.2±0.84%). The mean diameter of blood cells obtained from the results of this study were erythrocytes (7.98±0.055 μm) with an area biconcave (4. 15±1.135 μm), lymphocyte (8.5±0.5 μm), monocyte (10.5±0.5 μm), neutrohil (14±0.5 μm), eosinophil (11.5±0.5 μm), and basophil (11±3 μm). Generally, blood values and morphology of the Javan porcupine were similar to those of the other mammals especially rodents and rabbit
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh dan melengkapi data-data dasar gambaran darah pada landak Jawa (Hystrix javanica). Penelitian ini menggunakan lima ekor landak Jawa dewasa, yang terdiri dari empat ekor landak jantan dan satu ekor landak betina, dengan bobot badan berkisar 7-9 kg. Sampel darah diambil secara intracardial di daerah intercostales sejajar dengan olecranon. Pemeriksaan uji hematologi, meliputi pemeriksaan jumlah eritrosit, kadar Hb, PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC, jumlah leukosit dan morfologi sel darah. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa jumlah eritrosit (4.21±0.49 x106/mm3), kadar Hb (14.33±2.43 gr/dl), dan PCV (43.08±3.82%). Dari hasil perhitungan eritrosit, Hb, dan PCV, dapat diperoleh nilai MCV (102.66±4.63 fl), MCH (34.25±4.78 pg) dan MCHC (33.25±3.69%). Jumlah leukosit yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian adalah (10.11±2.87 x103/mm3), yang terdiri dari limfosit (70.9±7.79%), monosit (1.8±0.76%), neutrofil (22.5±9.09%), eosinofil (3.6±1.64%) dan basofil (1.2±0.84%). Rataan ukuran diameter untuk masing-masing sel darah yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian ini adalah eritrosit (7.98±0.055 μm) dengan area bikonkaf (4.15±1.135 μm), limfosit (8.5±0.5 μm), monosit (10.5±0.5 μm), neutrofil (14±0.5 μm), eosinofil (11.5±0.5 μm), dan basofil (11±3 μm). secara umum, nilai normal dan morfologi darah landak Jawa mirip dengan mamalia khususnya dengan rodensia lain dan kelinci.
Appears in Collections:UT - Anatomy, Phisiology and Pharmacology

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