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Title: Analisis Keberlanjutan Agroindustri Perikanan Tangkap Potensial Dan Kebijakan Pengembangannya Di Kawasan Pesisir Kabupaten Tuban Lamongan Dan Gresik
Authors: Bambang Herry P.
Hermawan, Aji
Wiyono, Eko S.
Keywords: capture fisheries agro industry
sustainability analysis
development policy
comparative performance index
multidimensional !I'caling
Issue Date: 2010
Series/Report no.: Volunne 4, Nomor 2, Juli;
Abstract: Small scale and medium of capture fisheries agroindustry facing serious problems Fom various aspects that threaten its sustainability. This study aims to analyze the sustainability of potential capture fisheries agroindustry in coastal area of Tuban, Lamongan and Gresik using MDS techniques as well as jrJrmulate policy to increase sustainability. Based on analysis using the comparative performance index (ep!) shows that potential capture .fisheries agroindustry in this region is chirimen agroindustry. The result of MDS analysis showed that the aspects that have a less sustainable category are resources, economic and environmental aspects, while the social and technology aspect including into the categOlY of sustainable enough. Government policies to improve the sustainability of chi rim en agroindustry is limiting the number of catching exploitation, banning the use of explosives, creating of marine protected areas, tax reduction and control of wastewater treatment. The policies that can be achieved by chirimen agroindustry are strengthening netyvorking, cost savings, product differentiation and an implement incentive salaries system.
ISSN: 1978-1555
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Agricultural Technology

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