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Title: Stability Testing and Formulation of Functional Beverages based sea slug (Discodoris sp.).
Formulasi dan Uji Stabilitas Minuman Fungsional Berbahan Dasar Lintah Laut (Discodoris sp.).
Authors: Nurhayati, Tati
Naiu, Asri Silvana
Keywords: Discodoris sp.
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Since long time ago people who live in some seaboards of Indonesia have been exploiting of fresh sea slugs (Discodoris sp.) which provide health benefits for human body. For the purpose, we conducted research about antioxidant activity and formulation on functional foods formulas based sea slugs. At this research, we made six kinds of formula with composition of sea slugs as treatment. We added ginger and citric acid as aroma and taste neutralizers for the sea slugs. They were applied in the same number for all formulas. Dry sea slug powder, dry ginger powder, and citric acid were formulated in a teabag, then the antioxidant activity was tested by applying of DPPH method. Observation based on the temperature and volume of water, and infusing time. The result showed that Formula 3 which contained of 0,24 grams dry sea slug powder that was infused over 20 minutes in 70 ml water of hot water 90 oC had highest antioxidant activity by 46,16%. There was a synergistic effect of antioxidant to Formula 3. Based on the product stability testing by chemical and microbiology measurements showed that the product had shelf-life by 33 days in 20oC storage condition.
Lintah laut (Discodoris sp.) secara empiris telah dimanfaatkan sebagian orang di pesisir Indonesia untuk menambah stamina dan vitalitas tubuh. Pemanfaatan lintah laut untuk menjadi pangan fungsional yang dapat dikonsumsi secara luas oleh masyarakat masih terbentur pada letak geografis dan cara penyajian. Meskipun serbuk kasar serta ekstrak polar yang bersifat antikolesterolemia dan antioksidan telah dipelajari sebelumnya, namun perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai formulasi dan uji stabilitas produk untuk memperoleh manfaat dari pangan fungsional berbasis lintah laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kondisi penyajian minuman fungsional terbaik untuk mendapatkan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi, membuktikan pengaruh pencampuran bahan-bahan baku terhadap dampak sinergis antioksidan pada minuman fungsional, dan menentukan formula minuman terbaik yang memiliki masa simpan maksimum melalui pengujian stabilitas produk berdasarkan waktu penyimpanan. Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah kondisi penyajian berpengaruh terhadap aktivitas antioksidan minuman fungsional, konsentrasi dan kombinasi bahan campuran berpengaruh terhadap aktivitas antioksidan formula minuman, dan masa simpan mempengaruhi karakteristik fisik dan kimia produk minuman fungsional
Appears in Collections:MT - Fisheries

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