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Title: Effectiveness of fruitflies pest management components on chili.
Keefektifan beberapa komponen pengendalian hama lalat buah pada tanaman cabai
Authors: Dadang
Prijono, Djoko
Amalia, Herma
Keywords: chili
integrated pest management (IPM).
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The objectives of this research were to evaluate the resistance of five chili genotypes, the effectiveness of botanical insecticides, the effectiveness of mulches, and the effectiveness of trap crop, repellent crop, and fruitfly trap against the fruitfly (Bactrocera spp., Diptera: Tephritidae) on chili in the farmer field at Megamendung and Katulampa, Bogor, West Java. This research was done during three planting seasons since June 2010 until December 2011. In the first experiment, five chili genotypes were evaluated. In the second experiment, resistance and susceptible chili genotypes and the efficacy of insecticides were tested. In the third experiment, the treatments included the use of resistance chili genotype as a production crop, susceptible chili genotype as a trap crop, citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus) as a repellent crop, insecticides application as in the second experiment, mulches, and the use of fruitfly trap with methyl eugenol attractant. In the laboratory, repellency of Piper retrofractum and Annona squamosa extract mixture, Cymbopogon nardus extract, spinosad (Tracer 120 SC), and imidacloprid (Confidor 5 WP) were tested using a Y-tube olfactometer. The results of this research showed that chili variety of Keriting 09 was resistant and SP Hot 77 was susceptible to fruitfly attack. Application of P. retrofractum and A. squamosa extract mixture, C. nardus extract, spinosad, and imidacloprid did not significantly affect fruitfly infestation. The use of rice straw and plastic mulch did not significantly affect fruitfly infestation. The use of trap crop, repellent crop, and fruitfly trap could decrease fruitfly attack on the main crop. Citronella grass was potential to be used as a repellent crop. The use of fruitfly trap caught two species of fruitflies, i.e. Bactrocera (B.) dorsalis complex and B.(B.) umbrosa. Based on identification in the laboratory, fruitflies that attacked chili in the field were B. (B.) carambolae and B. (B.) papayae, both belong to B. (B.) dorsalis complex. Natural enemy that attacked the fruitflies was a parasitoid wasp Opius sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Integrated pest management components that can be applied to control fruitflies on chili are the use of resistance chili genotype as a production crop, susceptible chili genotype as a trap crop, citronella grass as a repellent crop, fruitfly trap with methyl eugenol attractant, and natural enemy conservation.
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture

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