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Title: Opimization of skipjack tuna fisheries development in East Lombok District West Nusa Tenggara Province
Optimasi pengembangan perikanan cakalang di Kabupaten Lombok Timur Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat
Authors: Wisudo, Sugeng H.
Gigentika, Soraya
Keywords: Development, East Lombok District
skipjack tuna
sustainable production
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: Skipjack tuna is one of Indonesia's export commodities that can be relied upon from the fisheries sector right after shrimp and tuna. In addition, skipjack tuna is one of main target species in fisheries bussiness. Therefore, fishing fleet and the production of skipjack tuna is increasing every year. However, the production of skipjack tuna in East Lombok District has decreased over the last 5 years but the skipjack tuna fishing fleet has increased. Based on that fact, it is necessary to conduct research on the optimization of the development of skipjack tuna fisheries in East Lombok District. The purpose of this study are to describe the skipjack tuna fishing unit, to identify the status of skipjack tuna resources, to analyze the financial feasibility for the skipjack tuna fisheries business, to determine the optimal allocation of skipjack tuna’s fishing units, and to formulate a development strategy in East Lombok District. The methodology used in this research is descriptive analysis, analysis of stocks of fish resources, financial feasibility analysis, optimization analysis, and SWOT analysis. The results showed that the fishing gear used to catch skipjack tuna in East Lombok District is troll line. It is indicated to experience a fishing pressure. Therefore, there should be a reduction in the number of troll line fishing units in the district for 108 units, which will be 890 units. Based on the analysis of feasibility, it is provided information that the skipjack tuna fishing business profitable and feasible. Furthermore, there are skipjack tuna fisheries development strategies in East Lombok District namely: the optimization of skipjack tuna utilization opportunities; rationalization of skipjack tuna fishing unit number; training the fishermen about the handling of the catch; institutional improvements to improve the bargaining position of fishermen; maximize the chances of skipjack tuna commodity markets; diversification types of skipjack tuna processing.
Appears in Collections:MT - Fisheries

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