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Title: Identifikasi Kenampakan Kelapa Sawit dan Produktivitasnya Melalui Sistem Informasi Geografis (Studi Kasus PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VIII Cimulang, Bogor)
Authors: Barus, Baba
Sutandi, Atang
Agrianti, Savitri
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Land Characteristics
Oil Palm
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jack.) is an important commodity in Indonesia and still has a high development prospects. In 2011 there was a positive development at the national oil palm industry especially from the increase in production, export, and price developments. The CPO production is expected in 2011 around 23.5 million ton, with exports at 16.5 million ton, while the average price of CPO in 2011 is estimated at U.S. $ 1125 per ton. In 2011 Malaysia had reached total 5 million hectares of oil palm plantations. Malaysian oil palm production in 2011 increased 11.3% to 18.91 million tons from 16.99 million tons in 2010 (GAPKI, 2012). The efforts to improve oil palm productivity relate to many factors, such as land characteristics and its management. The lack of effectiveness management of oil palm plantations can decrease productivity of oil palm. Technologi spatial information like Remote Sensing and GIS is a current technology that may handle spatial data. These technologies can help business management such as object identification and pattern analysis of agricultural system. Identification oil palm can be conducted using a particular image, while GIS may help to analyse its pattern, so that this research’s aim were to recognise oil palm and its productivy regarding to its management. PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VIII Cimulang is one of Indonesia State Owned Enterprise engaged in management of oil palm. The results of image interpretation, ALOS AVNIR-2 showed that the PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VIII Cimulang had a variety of ages oil palm plant, that reflected from the green color and texture differences in the appearance of image. The spatial analysis result showed the highest productivity was found on the flat areas, while the lowest productivity was found in undulating region. The highest productivity oil palm was located on (Aquic) Humitropept while the lowest productivity of land was located at Typic Haplohumult. The highest productivity of oil palm was occurred at a location with fertilise dosage of 2005, while the lowest productivity was occurred at a location with fertilize dosage of 2004. From the statatistic of variance, the variatian of fertilization rate did not significantly affect the productivity of oil palm. So far, implementing of high rate of fertilization would consequently lead to high costs, but this did not give maximum profit for oil palm productivity as there was no significantly different production between the high rate and low rate of fertilization.
Appears in Collections:UT - Soil Science and Land Resources

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