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Title: Characteristic, Attitudes and Practices at Cold Storage Workers related to practices in meat hygiene
Karakteristik, Sikap dan Perilaku Karyawan Cold Storage terkait Praktik Higiene Daging
Authors: Lukman, Denny Widaya
Zahid, Abdul
Muksydayan, Donni
Keywords: Characteristic
attitude and practices
hygiene practices
cold storage
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: Meat storage in cold storage is a critical point in food chain, as it needs good management to prevent spoilages on meat. Meat hygiene practice during storage is influenced characteristic, attitude and practices of the workers. The characteristic of workers analyzed in this research including age, education level, level of knowledge, working experience, training of hygiene, and level of income. Characteristic will influence the attitude of the workers, and attitude will lead practice. Positive attitude will lead form positive practice. The correlation between practice and attitude of the workers in meat hygiene practice is also strengh than standard operational procedures (SOP) and supervision by manager. The study was conducted with survei method using questionnaire and checklist. Respondents in this study are workers in cold storage of meat importers company. The data was analyzed using non perimetric statistic, i.e., Gamma correlation coefficient. Then, data was analyzed using SPSS 16 and Microsoft Excel 2007. The analysis showed that characteristic which have correlation with attitude are level of knowledge (rs = 0,420) and working experience (rs = 0,363). The attitude of the workers had correlation with practice (rs = 0,676). The correlation of the attitude of the workers with practice was increased by the influences of SOP (rs = 0,686) and supervision by manager (rs = 0,909). The results of this research showed that to have good practice performance, then positive attitude, SOP, and supervision by manager should be conducted simultaneously.
Appears in Collections:MT - Veterinary Science

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