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Title: Stakeholders Perceptions on Food Consumption Diversification Acceleration in West Sumatera, Central Java and Southeast Sulawesi Province and Strategies to Achieve.
Persepsi Pemangku Kepentingan tentang Percepatan Diversifikasi Konsumsi Pangan Berbasis Pangan Lokal di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Jawa Tengah dan Sulawesi Tenggara dan Strategi Pencapaiannya.
Authors: Martianto, Drajat
Briawan, Dodik
Ariani, Mewa
Yulianis, Nita
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
food consumption diverSification
local food
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: Until the year of 2008, Indonesia's food consumption quality has not met its ideal pattern yet as shown by DDP (Desirable Dietary Pattern) Score 81.9 and the domination of rice consumption up to 64.1 % (BPS 2009). The aims of this study were 1) to assess the perceptions of the key persons at the local government and the field area regarding the food consumption diversification program; 2) to formulate the alternative strategies based on SWOT analyses; 3) to analyze the strategy priority in achieving the acceleration program based on AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). This research was carried out in March to December 2008. Survey was done in three provinces which represent the differences of food consumption pattern. The study was designed in combination between survey and secondary data analysis. Primary data were collected through in-depth interview and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). In-depth interview were assessed by using questionnaire to explore the perception of key person toward food consumption diversification programs. Focus Group Discussions were done to asses internal and external factors evaluation of food consumption diversification situation in each province and to formulate the scoring values of the province's readiness in accelerating food diversification program by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). This research shows that most of the stakeholders (15-50%) perceived local food as produced mainly in local administrative and some others (15-20%) has perceived it more widely in the context of Indonesia's. There are also still 5-10% of the key persons at the local government in the three provinces who still have misinterpretation in defining "food consumption diversification" into "staple food consumption diversification". Most of the field officers in the three provinces ranging 40 - 90% perceived "poor" toward the adequacy of field officers per field area, existing tools and material support, and also for the training support and facility in order to increase their knowledge and competence in this program. The W-T Strategy which is increasing the commitment and participation within all stakeholders is formulated as the strategy priority (29.3%) besides promoting local food business through capital and marketing support (25.1 %) as the W-O Strategy. The instrument that measure the readiness of local government in accelerating food diversification program are being valued by 4 (four) main category which are infrastructure support, the role of stakehOlders; the potential of local food (production, industry & acceptance); and society participation and synergism among stakeholders. This process considered that Central Java Provinces has the higher value of readiness (75.5 points) followed by West Sumatera Province (71.5 points) and Southeast Sulawesi Province (61.75 points). Nevertheless, the three of the province have not reach in the stage of well prepared.
Data SUSENAS tahun 2008 menunjukkan bahwa skor keragaman konsumsi pangan di Indonesia baru mencapai 81.9 dari total skor Pola Pang an Harapan senilai 100 dengan tingginya kontribusi konsumsi padi - pad ian yang mencapai 64.1% (anjuran 50%), rendahnya konsumsi pangan hewani, kacangkacangan dan sayur dan buah (BPS 2009). Berkaitan dengan situasi tersebut maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk :1) menganalisis persepsi pemangku kepentingan (pejabat pemerintah daerah dan petugas lapang) terhadap diversifikasi konsumsi pangan dan cara yang disarankan untuk implementasinya; 2) merumuskan alternatif-alternatif strategi berdasarkan analisis SWOT sesuai dengan faktor internal dan eksternal yang berpengaruh terhadap tercapainya percepatan diversifikasi konsumsi pangan berbasis pangan lokal; 3) Menentukan prioritas strategi percepatan diversifikasi konsumsi· pangan berbasis pang an lokal yang sesuai dengan karakteristik wilayah berdasarkan metode AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross sectional study yang dilakukan dengan metode survei. Penelitian dilakukan di tiga wilayah yang dipilih secara purposif dengan dasar pertimbangan keragaman pola konsumsi pangan. Jenis data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dari pernyataan para pejabat, petugas lapang dan pakar (pusat dan daerah) melalui focus group discussion (FGD) dan wawancara mendalam (in depth interview) yang mengacu pad a kuesioner terstruktur. Data persepsi diukur dengan menggunakan skala likert (5 skala dengan rentang sangat kurang - sangat baik) dan diolah secara deskriptif serta disajikan dalam persentase dan nilai modus. Data prioritas strategi yang diperoleh berdasarkan metode AHP diolah dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan software Expert Choice 2000. Persepsi para pejabat daerah mengenai diversifikasi konsumsi pangan berbasis pangan lokal masih bervariasi. Penilaian menurut asal produksi pang an menunjukkan sebanyak 15 - 20% pejabat di ketiga wilayah secara nasional (bukan impor) dan bahkan sebanyak 15 - 50% pejabat lainnya sudah menekankan pada wilayah administratif setempat. Kekeliruan pemahaman atas konsep diversifikasi konsumsi pangan yang terfokus hanya pada keragaman konsumsi pangan pokok masih terjadi pada 5 - 10% pejabat daerah. Sebanyak 40 - 75% pejabat daerah di ketiga wilayah menyatakan bahwa peran pangan lokal dalam pola konsumsi pangan masyarakat semakin kurang. Meskipun persepsi pejabat daerah terhadap kemauan politis pimpinannya untuk mewujudkan percepatan diversifikasi konsumsi pangan sudah tergolong baik, namun belum diiringi dengan komitmen yang kuat dalam aplikasi kebijakan di tingkat lapang.
Appears in Collections:MT - Human Ecology

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