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Title: Keanekaragaman genetik ikan betok (Anabas testudineus Bloch) pada tiga tipe ekosistem perairan rawa di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan
Genetical variety of climbing perch (Anabas ) in three type swamps ecosystem in South Kalimantan Province
Authors: Thohari, Achmad Machmud
Soelistyowati, Dinar Tri
Keywords: Swamp ecosystem
Climbing Perch
fenotype meristic
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Luas lahan basah potensial di Indonesia mencapai ± 40,5 juta hektar terbagi di lima kepulauan yaitu Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Papua dan Jawa. Salah satu jenis ekosistem perairan lahan basah yang cukup luas berada di kepulauan Kalimantan adalah perairan rawa yang luasnya mencapai ± 12 juta hektar. Secara khusus luas perairan rawa yang ada di Kalimantan Selatan mencapai ±1 juta hektar. Perairan rawa tersebar diseluruh Kabupaten yang ada di Kalimantan Selatan yang dapat dikelompokkan menjadi perairan rawa monoton (452.704 ha), rawa tadah hujan (169.094 ha) dan rawa pasang surut.
The population of climbing perch fish in South K.alimantan Province is spreaded in three type of swamp ecosystems, that is bogs area (monotonic), marshs area(influnced by intensity of rain) and swamps area(influenced by tide). The result of molecular analysis to mt~DNA D Loop showed that the highest heterozygosity level was in bogs area(0,3030), then followed by swamps area (0,2182) and marsh area (0,1347). Whereas, the largest distance value of interpopulation Nei genetic between population is in marsh area with bogs area (0, I 060) and the smallest is between swamps with marsh area. The result of fenotype meristic character analysis shows that the size of spiny dorsal fin (Dorsal D) become identifying mark to the three population of climbing perch, which was the bogs area population had 4 variation. 5 variation on marsh area population and 3 variation on swamps population. Dendogram analysis to the character of mt-DNA D Loop and cluster analysis to the fenotype meristic character describe that the population of climbing perch was devided into two stocks of population that was bogs area stock population with marsh and swamps stock population. The Strategy of climbing perch genetic conservation can be done by domestication process in the direction of restocking, or by establishment of reservation area to keep the balance of effective popUlation (Nei) in proper condition.
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture

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