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Title: Kajian agronomis tanaman buah dan sayuran pada struktur agroforestri pekarangan di Wilayah Bogor, Puncak dan Cianjur (Studi Kasus di DAS Ciliwung dan DAS Cianjur)
The agronomic analysis of fruits plant and vegetables crops on agroforestry structure of pekarangan in Bogor, Puncak and Cianjur Region (Case Study in Ciliwung Watershed and Cianjur Watershed).
Authors: Chozin, Muhamad Achmad
Arifin, Hadi Susilo
Keywords: Agroforestry
tree and crop productivity
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Luas lahan pertanian makin berkurang, dilain pihak kebutuhan pangan makin meningkat akibat bertambahnya jumlah penduduk. Lahan pekarangan merupakan salah satu alternatif dalam sumbangsih ketahanan pangan di masyarakat. Pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan dengan budidaya berbagai jenis tanaman, termasuk budidaya tanaman buah dan sayuran merupakan bentuk praktek agroforestri. Keragaman tersebut dipengaruhi oleh kondisi agroklimat di daerah aliran sungai (DAS). Pekarangan mempunyai potensi sebagai lumbung pangan cukup besar, dengan lahan pekarangan yang cukup luas. Di kabupaten Bogor sebesar 38.404 ha dan di Kabupaten Cianjur sebesar 41.273 ha. Penelitian yang terkait tanaman tak terkecuali tanaman buah dan sayuran, pada umumnya dilakukan di lahan yang khusus untuk budidaya tanaman tersebut. Mengingat potensi dan luas lahan pekarangan cukup besar yang selama ini terabaikan, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian di lahan pekarangan.
Utilization of pekarangan for varies cultivations of plants, such as fruits tree and vegetables crop plantation is a form of agroforestry practice. As a place of traditional farming system, pekarangan has high potent of food stock resources. This opportunity should be researched deeply. The objectives of research are to analyze the intensification level of fruits tree and vegetables crop cultivation, to analyze cropping pattern and rotation system of vegetables crops, to calculate productivity of fruits tree and vegetables crop yields, and to measure the coverage of vegetation canopy to the pekarangan area. These researches were conducted in Ciliwung and Cianjur watersheds. Survey method was conducted in these researches, i.e. field observation, measuring some objects in pekarangan such as trees canopy and production, and interview to the householders. The measurement and observation was done when the householders have been conducting trees and crops cultivation process in the pekarangan. On the other hands, when they have not been conducting this process, the data was collected by interview to the householders. Pakarangan samples in the upper stream, the middle stream and the down stream of both Ciliwung and Cianjur watersheds was selected by previous researches. Thirty pekarangan was selected as pekarangan sample in each zone; therefore, there are 180 pekarangan samples, totally. Cropping pattern, vegetables crop rotation system, and production of each fruit tree and vegetable crop data was analyzed descriptively. Intensification level, productivity and percentage of canopy coverage was analyzed by T test and Duncan Test. Research results show the upper of pekarangan location the more intensive of fruits tree and vegetables crop cultivation, such as fertilizing (organic and an-organic fertilizer), weeding, soil tillage, pest and disease management. Regarding species diversity, the upper of pekarangan location the less number of fruits tree species. On the other hands, the upper of pekarangan location the more number of vegetables species. In the down stream of watersheds, generally the householders only planted one species; however in the upper stream of watershed they planted more than one species with the rotation system. Pakarangan land in the upper and the middle streams is suitable for vegetables crop cultivation, but the down stream pekarangan is suitable for fruits tree. Based on the percentage of canopy coverage to the pekarangan area and the calorie was produced by pekarangan is thought that the down stream pekarangan more productive than the upper stream one.
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture

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